Thirty Five

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"Get up shank, just don't wake Newt up." Minho said, practically dragging Mara out of her bed and pulling her out of the room way before dawn. She shook off her morning grogginess the moment she remembered what day it was, and could feel a rush of excitement inside her body.

"Where are we going?" Mara asked with curiosity as she was led down the stairs and into the mouth of the Homestead.

"Wait and see, Miss enthusiastic." Minho called back quietly, only just loud enough for Mara to hear him. She saw Thomas standing at the bottom of the staircase, waiting for the two of them to land on the squeaky wooden floor.

"Mornin' Tommy." She smiled, and he replied with a smile and nod. The two of them followed Minho through the dimly lit, body covered room as a cock's call lightly came from the Blood House.

Eventually they got to a crooked corner at the back of the Homestead with the faint outline of a door showing in the light. Minho pulled out a shiny key and slotted it into the keyhole after numerous attempts, revealing a small storage cupboard.

Mara leaned forward and her eyes laid upon the light of Minho's torch, circling around ropes and chains until it hovered over an open box. Running shoes. They filled the box to the brim. Mara couldn't help but find it funny, it was so... ordinary. It seemed like something no one would be excited about. But Mara could only hope they had a girl's pair of shoes.

"That right there's the number one supply we get, at least for us." Minho announced, gesturing to the box. "They send new ones in the Box every so often. If we had bad shoes, we'd have feet that looked like freakin' Mars." The boy bent down and started to shift through the box. "What size you two wear?"

"Size?" Mara repeated. She sighed, how was she supposed to remember that? She wished she could remember. "I don't know, do you even have girl shoes? I think I'll need girl's shoes."

Minho nodded, throwing back a pair of pure white running shoes, the only other colour being their slender black laces entwining through the length of the shoes. "These are the only pair, sent up with the girl. Suppose they knew you were going to be a Runner. What size you wear Thomas?"

"I... I don't know, eleven?" Thomas shrugged, staring at the inside of his removed shoe. Mara took her new shoes from Minho, who then began to look for a pair for Thomas.

"Geez, shank, you got big feet." Minho said as he stood up and handed Thomas a pair of sleek silver trainers. "But looks like I've got some- man we could go canoeing in these things."

Carrying the new shoes with her, Mara giggled as sat on the ground. She slipped off her boots and pulled on the trainers she had laid beside her. The shoes were comfy, and luckily just her size. Maybe the creators did know she would eventually become a Runner. Thomas sat next to Mara tried his shoes on too as they waited for Minho to grab what he needed.

Mara looked up to Minho- once she had finished tying her laces- who was now walking towards them with full hands.

"Only Runners and Keepers get these." Minho told them both, dropping a digital watch into Mara's lap. It was made of black plastic with a simple band design, but it was still one of the most looked after objects Mara had seen in the Glade. "Put it on and never take it off. Your life might depend on it."

She did as she was told, wrapping the thin strap around her skinny arm and buckling it shut. Honestly, Mara felt better having the watch. Without it, she would have had to judge the time by the shadows and sun's position, but that was never precise.

After her new watch was secured around her wrist, Mara looked back up to Minho who continued to talk. "Here's a backpack, water bottles, lunch pack, some shorts and t-shirts- don't worry Mara we have some for you." Minho dropped each item next to them both as he listed them off, he was holding two more pieces of clothing- tightly cut underwear made from a shiny white material. "These bad boys're what we call Runnie-undies. Keeps you, um, nice and comfy."

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