Twenty Three

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Everything seemed like a blur. The Glade had fallen completely silent. Newt had read the message aloud for everyone to hear what was written. The Gladers stood around blankly. It seemed as if they were paralyzed; unable to move.

All eyes were glued to the girl who was lying there, the only sign she was alive was the light rise and fall of her chest. It had only been a few minutes, but now they knew for sure she wasn't dead. Although that didn't make Mara feel better. In one way, it seemed worse. She didn't understand what was going on, and she was getting tired of never knowing.

Newt stood and Mara followed. Alby called over the med-jacks, who immediately took the girl away. After a long, eerie silence, the Gladers began to fall away from the center of the Glade. As time went on the boys' voices increased in volume, but Mara didn't notice. She just stood there- even though the girl was gone- staring at the floor.

"Mara, take this." Newt stood in front of Mara, forcing her eyes to flicker up and meet his. He was holding an envelope in his hand. "Found it in the box with the bloody girl." 

Mara took the envelope from him, studying the joined letters that read: Marie 'Mara'. The calligraphy was written in black ink, with the letters W.I.C.K.E.D. printed along the bottom left corner. Why had they sent her a letter? Out of all their other methods of communication, they had decided on a letter after possessing someone?

"What... Why would they send me this."

"I don't know." Newt shrugged. "Go up to the room to open it. If you open it here you'll get too much attention. I'll be up in a minute, better go see if the med-jacks can handle the poor girl and the other shanks tryn'a lay a hand on her."

Mara nodded, carefully stuffing the letter into her trouser pocket, making sure it wasn't noticeable. Her and Newt turned to the Homestead, walking side by side until they headed in separate directions. Newt stopped as Mara approached the stairs inside the Homestead.

"I'll be up in a few minutes. Good luck." 

"Good luck? Thanks, good luck to you too." Mara smiled, turning and walking up the stairs. She turned into her room and shut  the door behind her, taking the letter from her pocket and removing it from its paper case.

She opened it, her eyes following the words that were inked across the page in the same black ink.


You must stop looking for answers. You have been warned. We have found a way to stop your memories coming back, but we leave you with one last dream. This will be your final memory, if you continue we will not be afraid to kill Newt.


They had threatened her. They had threatened to kill Newt. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him, she had to stop questioning everything. But if she did that, they might never find an exit from the maze. She had to make a choice between the two, and it seemed obvious. If she didn't listen, they would kill Newt. If she did, she could have been leaving Newt to die in the maze, a place he hated.

The door swung open, and as if on cue Newt stepped inside the room with Alby behind him. They didn't waste any time, Alby quietly shut the door as Newt darted towards Mara, who handed him the letter to read. She watched as he and Alby both processed the information they were reading, a mixture of emotions colliding on their faces; fear, confusion, sadness and bravery.

Both looked up at Mara at the same time, she stood and waited for one of them to say something, anything.. Newt neatly folded the letter up in his hands, but as he did he abruptly stopped, his head snapping upwards.

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