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"Frypan! My main man and a truly brilliant cook-"

"No." Frypan stated blankly as he continued to prepare supper. He didn't even turn to look at Mara as he spoke.

"What? I didn't even ask anything." Mara innocently spoke. Frypan wasn't a fan of handing out food before it was time to, and if he did he was either in an extremely good mood or tired. Mara had learnt that in the two days she had spent in the Glade.

"No food Mara."

"It's for the Newbie, we don't know when he ate last, don't want him starving now do we?" She asked, and she had a point. The newbie could have eaten days ago for all they knew.

"One sandwich." He said, turning to Mara and handing her a ham, cheese and mayonnaise sandwich.

"There's more than one of us, Fry." She told him, taking the sandwich from him as she did. He glared at her for what she had called him, Frypan wasn't a big fan of nicknames, which gave Mara all the more reason to call him them.

"How many?"

"Me, Newt, Chuck and Newbie." Mara counted their names on her free hand.

"Four? You do realise that it's not the right shuck time yet, don't you?" He rolled his eyes before turning back to the counter he was working on. The room they were in was quite small but it had the essentials, a fridge, a cupboard, counters and other cooking things Mara didn't understand. From that, she knew she had never been much of a cook.

"Yes, but I'm hungry and so are Newt, Chuck and Newbie." Mara fought, she really wanted her sandwich.

"Newbie got a name yet?" Frypan asked and Mara froze. Luckily, Frypan didn't notice, he was too wrapped up in the numerous sandwiches he was making. Mara took a step closer to him, remembering what Newt had told her.

"Not that I know of." She lied and Frypan seemed convinced.

"Four sandwiches, that's it." He gave in, taking her mind off of the newbie as he pointed at a pile of sandwiches next to him.

"Why thank you kind sir." Mara smiled as she noticed his eye roll. She took three more sandwiches and cradled them under her arm. Across from them sat six stacks of metal cups, and on the other side was a clean sink. "I'm taking some water too, it'll wash down the food."

"Fine, two cups and that's it." Frypan said, he must've been in the best mood. Mara placed the sandwiches next to the sink and took two cups of water, obviously the four of them would have to share two to a cup, more likely Newt and Mara, Newbie and Chuck to a cup. She turned the tap, letting the water flow for a few seconds before filling her cup with the fresh water.

"So, how many are you making tonight?" Mara asked, trying to make small talk.

"That's it Mara. You get me?" Frypan sharply answered, seeming to have taken her small talk as asking for more food.

"I wasn't asking for more." She shook her head, placing the second cup on the counter. She picked up both cups with one hand and the sandwiches in the other, only just managing to hold everything. But then she saw the apples, the big, red, juicy apples sitting on another surface. "I'm taking some apples too." Mara told him as quick as possible, grabbing four apples and running.

"Mara!" Frypan called after her in an angry tone, but she was long gone.

"You kid's hungry?" Mara asked as she walked over to the three boys and spread out their food on the floor. "Better be, Frypan wasn't too happy but I can be persuasive when I want to be."

Everyone took an apple and a sandwich, digging into their meals immediately.

"Ah, man," Thomas mumbled through his mouthful of ham, cheese and mayonnaise. "I was starving."

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