Chapter 2| Story of my life

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"Here's to senior year, bitches!" My friend Chris hollers holding up a red cup of water. Callie and clink our beers to his red cup toasting before we drink.

It's the night before the first day of school and our little annual tradition since freshmen year is to get together at Callie's house to drink and discuss the upcoming school year. Callie and I did the drinking since Chris doesn't drink. His mom is a recovering alcoholic. We should be more supportive and drink water with him but Callie is always looking for a reason to drink since she likes to get her drink on and I've been feeling anxious all day and the cure is to drink the nerves away.

"Tomorrow is going to be the beginning of our adult life," Callie says before taking a long swig of her beer.

"We're gonna own the school," Chris says. "Winston High is going to be ours."

"Count me out," I say, placing my beer on Callie's nightstand, letting my body fall on her plush well-made bed.

She swivels her head towards me, her long wavy blond hair swaying from left to right.

"Stassi, I wish you'd quit saying that!"

"I've already told you," I begin. "This year, I'm going to be more responsible, no parties, no drinking, and no drama. I really need to focus on school.

"Callie groans setting her beer next to mine. "But this is supposed to be our year."

"I, for one, am over this shit," Chris says getting off the bed to go examine his vein self in Callie's full length mirror. "Do I look like a hot piece of sexual chocolate in this all black outfit or what?"

"You look like a hot piece of sexual chocolate in every outfit, Chris." Callie says boosting his ego.

I wanted to throw up but resist the urge. I hate the nature of their friendship sometimes. Chris is always looking for someone to shower him with compliments and Callie fulfilled his needs by doing that on a regular fucking basis. Why does she do that? It's a mystery to me. For as long as I've known Chris he's been overly confident and he lets it be known. It doesn't matter where he is or who he's with, he always has to proclaim the fact that he's gay, black and fabulous. As confident as Chris may appear to be he's always seeking approval from others, especially Callie so you can see why it's a little confusing.

"Stassi." Now her attention is back to me. "Are you doing this for you or to please your dad?"

Ahhh the burning question, I had wondered how long she would wait to play that deck of cards. Ever since I made the vow to focus more on school, she's been on my case. She never brought up my dad though because I knew that deep doing inside she was hoping it had nothing to do with him but of course it does, everything always goes back to my dad.

"This is my decision, my choice." I say convincingly. "It has nothing to do with him." I lie__ well, its half a lie.

See, the thing is, my father has this grand master plan set out for me and this plan came about after my mom's death. What is this grand plan you ask? Well, he wants me to have a successful career in the medical field like him, he's a surgeon. In order for me to get there he has mapped out a plan that's going to get me there. The plan includes the schools I'm going to, what my major will be, where I'm going to do my residency, what doctor I'll study under, what hospital I'll be working at and etc...

I'm not actually convinced that the plan will work__ actually I'm not convinced at all because I have no desires to wanting to become a successful doctor and even if I did my grades wouldn't allow me to get into a decent school. My grades aren't great, they're good at best and my father is aware of that but that is not an issue for him, no, no. My father, the great Dr. Alex Miller has two things that's going to get me into any ivy league school of his choosing, great connections and of course a load of cash. He wants this for me, very badly, he's been wanting it for a while now and it never really struck me why....until my genius friend Callie opened my eyes and unveiled the truth.

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