Chapter 6| Look who's stalking now?

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I'm falling and I'm failing.

The first week of school is a total bust. Not only am I in over my head with all these damn AP classes I also think that I've completely lost Adam to Samantha Carver__ well not that he was mine to begin with but if there was ever a chance of us getting together it's well gone now. It's funny really, when people say you don't know what you have until it's gone, that shit is totally true.

I didn't want Adam at first, then when I was starting to like him Samantha swept in and took him away from me and now I've never wanted him more. I'm starting to think that the world truly hates me because I've been suffering too much for the last few years. I know I bring some things onto myself but the rest of the dreadful shit that is happening to me is the work of the universe. What else could be responsible for Adam and Samantha going out? Surely it's not just their raging hormones; it's the universe fucking with me. The ruler of this world doesn't want me to be happy so he paired up the most unlikely couple together to make me mad and you know what I'm not mad. I'm actually really happy for Adam....

No. No. I'm lying, I'm not happy for Adam I'm angry and bitter and sick to my stomach by the whole thing. I wish it was me he was going out with but he's not. I wish it was my hand he was holding while walking down the hall but he's not. I wish it was my lips he was kissing but sadly he's not interested in my lips, he likes Samantha's flat greasy lips.

I needed something to make me feel better, alcohol or maybe drugs even. Friday after school I came up with the best solution that I thought would help me cope best with this.

"So you live by Adam right?" I ask Chris.

We're in the student parking lot standing next to our cars getting ready to leave school grounds.

"I wouldn't exactly say he lives by me." Chris says. "It's like a five minute walk from my house to his."

"That's close enough."

"What are you thinking of doing?" he sounds worried.

"I'm going by there today.... Well actually we're going by there today."

"Excuse you?" he holds up his right hand in protest. "We are not going by his house. I'm not going to stalk him because you like him and won't admit it. I don't stalk people, that's not my thing."

"Oh really," I say laughing. "I guess that time you borrowed Callie's car to drive up and down Kevin's house, texting him every two seconds to reassure him you were at your house wasn't stalking."

He huffs and throws his book bag in the backseat of his car.

"Please do this with me. I just want to see where he lives and if Samantha's there." I beg.

"Fine," he agrees. "But can we do it later I need a nap."

"No naps Chris we're going now so get in your car because I'm following behind you."

He huffs again but at least he doesn't protest. I get in my car and wait for him to pull out first so I can follow him. Adam here I come, if he thought you were going to slip through my hands he thought wrong. I may not be going about this the right way but he really leaves me no choice.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

"This is it." Chris announces when we finally make it to Adam's house.

I wipe a bead of sweat of my forehead. Chris had lied to me, Adam's house is not five minutes away from him, it's more like ten minutes. Having to walk from Chris's house after we parked to Adam's was a workout and the hot sweltering sun beating down on me did not help but hey, no one said stalking was easy.

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