Chapter 4| From hate to like

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After school I go to Callie’s, I always go to Callie’s after school, why? There’s always food and snacks. As soon as we step into the kitchen we find a platter of chocolate drizzled fruit kabobs, freshly baked cookies and fried oreos. My mouth waters at the sight. Considering how I didn’t eat lunch today I immediately grab a cookie and stuff it inside my mouth. It’s so delectable and chewy I waste no time grabbing another one. I eat it in the same fashion going for another one.

 “Whoa,” Callie says. “Chillax, cookie monster.”

 “I’m sorry,” I say chewing rapidly. “I didn’t eat lunch today.”

 “And whose fault was that?”

“Not mine,” I say heading to the fridge to get a bottle of water. “It’s that jerk Adam’s fault. If you hadn’t invited him over our table, I would’ve stayed and ate lunch like everyone else.” I elbow the refrigerator door close.

 Callie laughs and shakes her head at me.

 “What?” I snap, joining her on the kitchen table.

 “You’re seriously deranged, you know that.” She says.

 I gape at her incredulously. Me? Deranged? I might be a lot of things but deranged is not one of them.

 “Don’t give me that look, Stassi.” She says. “You’re acting like a madwoman and for what. He hasn’t given you any reasons to hate him so why don’t you just give him a chance.”

I take a few sips of the water ignoring Callie. If I reply back, that’s a window I open for her to talk, I know she’s just ready to give me one of those long speeches about second chances and blah, blah, blah, I’m not in the mood for that. After a long rigorous first day of school all I want to do it eat and sleep.

 “Earth to Stassi, hello.” Callie waves her hand in front of my face.

 “I have to go home.” I pick my bag up from the foot of the chair. “I have tons of reading to do.”

 “On the first day of school?” Callie questions not believing me.

 I nod yes. “You know I’m taking, like, three AP classes, they start early.”

 She says okay but I know she still doesn’t believe me but I don’t care, I don’t need her to believe me I just need to get away from her before she takes my mood from bad to worst. As I walk past her, I catch a glimpse of hurt on her face. Her doe eyes look suddenly sullen, like she’s about to cry. She’s mad because I shut her out. I keep on walking not bothering to even look back because like I said before I don’t care. I guess I’m a little deranged after all.

                                                      ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 

The clock strikes four when I get home. I’m elated to be home but my mood had taken a turn for the worst because I had to sit in school bus traffic for nearly an hour. When I step into the living room A.K.A the white room, my sister Jessica A.K.A Just-Jess (according to her blog) is dressed head to toe in black while setting up her tripod and camera thingy. She’s wearing so much black eyeliner and black eye shadow around her eyes; she’d make a raccoon jealous.

 “Let me guess,” I clasp my hand putting on my fakest valley girl voice. “One of your followers died and you’re doing a photo shoot in their memory.”

 She doesn’t look happy by my joke, her red stain pillow lips just gape at me. I know better by now not to make a death joke, after losing my mother and all, but coming home to death fest 2012, it’s nearly impossible not to. I saw in opening and I took it.

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