Chapter 11| The night that changed everything (NEW)

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“Adam!” I call. “Adam, please wait.”

I’m charging after him like a mad dog begging him to stop walking but instead he’s sprinting ahead like there’s a finish line at the end of all this.

“Adam, please wait up__” I nearly trip over a rock, I might have caught myself but my ankle paid the price because I twisted it. “Shit, shit, shit.” I wail in pain kneeling down to see the damage. On the surface it looks okay, then again it just happened but on the inside it burns like a bitch.

When Adam realizes that I’m no longer following he stops and turns around. The bad news is he still looks pissed but the good news is he’s walking towards me which tells me that despite what he’s just witnessed he still cares.

“Let me see that?” he crouches down in front of me to examine my ankle. He barely touches it and just like that he says it’s fine.

“That was a quick diagnosis,” I say but only meaning it as a joke.

He stands up his eyelids fluttering rapidly like he’s just been woken up out of a dream.

“Who the hell was that guy?” He asks.

I stand up to meet his gaze without flinching or blinking I say, “Nobody.”

“So you walked out of the auditorium to go use the bathroom and what,” he pauses and smiles sardonically, “You just happened to end up down there talking to some guy you don’t know.”

The sheer disappointment in his eyes is enough to make me cry. With what little dignity I have left I decide that it’s best if I just tell the truth and get it out of the way before it potentially gets worse.

“He’s my ex,” I say and before he chimes in to add his two cents I tell him why we were hanging out together. “I didn’t feel like listening to that college fair stuff so I went outside to get some air and he just happened to be there, I swear.”

“Nastassia,” he utters grinding his teeth. “He was holding you.”

“He gave me a cigarette and we smoked and talked for a bit and when I was leaving he grabbed me and hugged me,” I say which is a partial lie. “What you saw wasn’t a two way thing, he hugged me.

Adam shakes his head finding it difficult to believe me.

“I don’t know what’s worst,” he says. “The lying or the fact that you think I’m stupid enough to believe you.”

“Adam, I__”

“Don’t!” He says icily. “I’m going to class and please,” he holds his hand together in front of him as if he was praying onto me, “Don’t follow me or chase after me, it’s pathetic.”

He turns walking away like all the previous times I’ve done something to hurt his feeling. Once again, ladies and gentleman I’ve managed to royally screw things up with him and I don’t know how I’m going to fix it.


 “I love him,” I say plucking off a petal from the white rose I stole outside Ben’s Market. “I love him not.” I pluck another.

Callie walks besides me sucking on a lollipop while laughing at me. I ignore her continuing on my rose plucking quest to find out what my true feelings are for Adam. “I love him not” I pout when I reach the last rose. “I guess my gut feelings were right all along, Adam and I aren’t meant to be.”

Callie laughs hysterically. “You’re not taking this thing seriously, are you?”

“The stupid rose meant nothing but I know the truth, Cals.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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