Chapter 21

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I think people possess certain reactions, we all react differently or similarly depending on the situation at hand but being the idiot that I am, my gapping mouth and wide eyes probably make me look like a dying fish. And that's one reaction that's never pleasing to look at or remember.

"Uh...I think you've got the wrong person," I blurt out dramatically, feigning ignorance at his 'your obviously lying' look.

"But you're – "

Tanned boy's eyes widen in surprise as Zander takes a step in front of me (probably to hide the ugly dying fish face). "You heard her, you've got the wrong person. Now if you'll excuse us, we have ice cream to get." And with that, he looks down at me waiting for permission to leave.

Where are doggie treats when you need them? I could blurt out, 'Who's a good boy?' And make disgusting cooing sounds at him for saving me.

I'm trying my best to mask a small smile  since Zander did just save me from a scene of discomposure. "This is different than what we agreed on," I remarked, sheepishly.

"Change of plans, we'll go wherever you want to go."

"Excuse me, but I promise this will only take a minute." I'm no longer flustered but can't help the twinge of annoyance that overcomes me. I didn't want to associate with anyone remotely related to Shawn, he was a memory I wanted to leave in the dust behind me.

My emotions aren't concealed as well as I hoped since Zander tenses briefly, looking down at me for an answer before turning on the tanned Adonis with chagrin. "I think we made it clear that we don't wish to speak with you. She's clearly not interested in whatever you're selling."

Sighing, I give Zander a faint smile. I need to speak up, this can't go on forever and I need to make a point to those around me. I really am okay, bitter and remorseful at times but who doesn't go through emotional spasms when walking down memory lane or recalling people they wish they never knew?

Stepping forward, I cross my arms to offer self-support before looking the boy square in the face, "look, I don't know who you are or what you have to do with Shawn but I don't care. In fact, you can tell Shawn I said he can fuck off and get lost for eternity because his existence is essentially dead to me. Now, I hope that what I think of him is glaringly clear so have a nice day and may we never cross paths again." 

Fuming now, I huff out steam to release a breath of air before marching past his gaping mouth. I don't even stop to look up at Zander who is now silently striding next to me and continue my crusade march to the ice cream shop. 

Not holding back, I walk confidentially up to the 'order here' counter and get a huge waffle cone cup and two massive scoops of cookie dough ice cream topped with extra chocolate chips. The man behind the counter gives me a worried glance but I merely wave it aside, I may look extremely malnourished but I could eat enough to feed a herd of cows if given the opportunity. But what's driving my ravenous appetite for sugar is the encounter with tanned boy, the mere thought of it makes me want to eat something, anything to focus my entire being on something else.

Locating a table, I slide into the booth end while stabbing my ice cream relentlessly to take out my irritation on something as I picture Shawn's face, the desire to hurl something at it so intense. My actions seem to silence Zander as I glance up at him, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Um Cat, ice cream isn't a living animal. There's no need for you to stab it multiple times, that's just over-kill...which doesn't even make any sense for a dairy product."

"I'm not actually stabbing it if my weapon of choice happens to be a plastic spoon...that's barely five centimetres tall and pink."

"You're still scaring me," is his concerned reply, his eyes never leaving the pink spoon in my hand.

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