Chapter 30

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An hour later and I'm sitting in the passenger side of Celia's car, somber and dread settling on us as a dark mood with ripples of anxiety shared equally between us, Celia frowning as she looks at the road ahead and my fingers twitching nervously before gripping the seatbelt tighter. I've had thirty minutes to consider all our options in order to help Zander, and we've settled on one decisive plan to present.

Biting my bottom lip, I glance out the window and think back on one of the leaked videos showing Zander sauntering up to his ex-fiancée during a swanky party on a yacht, letting everyone present know loud and clear that he wanted nothing to do with her before toasting a glass of champagne, smiling mischievously as torrents of pig's blood came plunging down on her like rain from hell. 

Celia and I had both grimaced at that point, crying on behalf of her exquisite and expensive dress and jewels before the worst part of it went down. Furious, the pig bloodied queen began screeching profanities before shoving anyone close enough to her towards the reddened floor, until she was close enough to Zander to stain his tie with a gory finger.

Breathless, the red queen gave Zander a vicious smile that made anyone watching the video, shudder. "Break up? And why would I do that? You still owe me an apology for not buying that limited edition diamond ring I specifically asked for to announce our love to the world. And you didn't do anything about that gross friend Patrick. I'm not the problem so why are you trying to end things with me?"

We're only halfway through the video before Celia had snorted, pointed a forefinger to her head, and made a screwing motion, "she's devastatingly delusional."

"I'm ending things because you disgust me and there is not a single redeeming quality about you," Zander replied cooly, slapping her finger away before discarding the stained tie with repugnance.

To that, the once shocked audience begins 'oohing," electrified by the insult and the heated exchange in front of them.

Narrowing her eyes that struggle to remain open from the ripples of blood gushing down her face, she leans her head back and gives an explosive shrilled laugh, "You're not going to ruin my perfect plan. I'm supposed to marry the hottest guy and outdo all these pathetic bitches that think they're woman enough to even stand a chance at being the best. I hate pretty much everyone, including you but that's not stopping me from having the best. I have standards and deserve whatever it is I wish." Finished, she huffs indignantly while most of the crowd steps away from her, worried by the maniacal gleam in her eyes as her fists shake by her sides.

Chucking, Zander shakes his head unfazed by her rude attack, "I'm not an object and I'm certainly not something you can keep. This ends here, you toxic, self-entitled, and pathetic little girl. At least the women surrounding you are women. Too bad they've had to babysit such a problematic child."

Waving, Zander looks back once to say a final goodbye but one that is an obvious warning, "See you never. And don't ever think about approaching me ever again. There's more blood where that came from and you wouldn't want to ruin your ugly dresses, now would you?"

To make things even more comical, the speakers on deck begin echoing with, "I HATE YOOOUUU OOOUU OOHH." Off-key, making anyone wince and Celia begins snickering, nodding with approval.

"Patrick," She finally says, and I nod knowingly since it did sound like his deafening pigeon squeals.

The video ends to the party resuming with a few cheers, gasps, and applause as Zander makes his dramatic exit while the bloodied girl is left thrashing a table, anger rolling off her as tears slid down her cheeks. The pig's blood dried quickly and hardened, encrusting her into a pitiful sight before the clip ends entirely.

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