Chapter 33

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"Where are we going?" I'm trying really hard to repress my growing curiosity and the butterflies swarming in my stomach. Not getting anything out of Zander's passive expression, I tried reading the GPS which only gave away so much as a 'turn right in five hundred meters.'

"Look here sis, let bygones be bygones and surprises be surprises," Zander said, his tone annoyingly high-pitched in an awful attempt at mimicking either me or Celia.

"Don't sis me, I'm just curious," I replied irritably, slightly pouting at the passing scenery flashing by against the car window. We were out of the city now, the roads twisting and turning yet no matter how many signs we passed, I hadn't a clue as to where we were headed.

Chuckling, Zander gives me one of his beaming smiles, "Just wait another ten minutes. We're almost there."

Sighing, I lean back against the seat and mumble, "This better be worth staying stomach sober."

True to his word, we arrive at our destination in ten minutes and I waste no time in hopping out of the car and shriek excitedly at the sight before us.

We were at an amusement park by the seaside, where the sound of seagulls squawking mingled in with the clapping waves that beat against the sand bleached white by the sun. A ferris wheel stood high at the farthest point, circling clockwise with brightly painted cabs, bringing back a sense of nostalgia and a feeling of adventure kicks in.

"I take back everything I said Zander, this was definitely worth staying stomach sober for," I said happily and breathless, grabbing for my phone to capture the scenery on camera.

I'm so engrossed in taking one photo after the next, that Zander has to drag me to the turnstile entrance but immediately resume my photo session with multiple thumb clicks once we're past the central checkpoint. Mildly offended by all the visitors deliberately photo-bombing, I glower at them before stoically deleting the images they've ruined with a dramatic hand.

I'm only brought back to reality by the smell of food, odours of sweet and savoury blanketing over us with stalls placed on the left and right that leave me humbled and at a loss at which to pick.

"I know you're already thinking of dessert but there's a place we need to go first," Zander whispered, leaning in so I can hear him amongst the crowd.

Turning to him, I finally take in the baseball cap and sunglasses but nod at his suggestion since guilt began to sprout within me. Zander was taking a risk coming here and despite the remoteness of the area, there was still a chance that someone could recognise him - the least I could do, is share this moment and let him have some fun, turning this into a hopeful reset of our mall trip.

Following a snaking path that branched off to one side, Zander led the way and stopped briefly every so often to check our location on a boarded map while I continued my photo frenzy. It's only when he stops abruptly in front of a haunted house that I pocket my phone and audibly gasp, covering my mouth.

"It's beautiful," I whispered, my comment baffling Zander who sets his mouth in a firm line when the terrified screams of people filter through.


"Thanks for bringing me here despite being scared," I stated, noting the colour in his face beginning to drain.

"I'm not scared...just a little creeped."

"What's the difference?" I prodded, watching him run a nervous hand behind his neck.

"You know what? Fine I'm scared so what are you going to do to comfort me?"

"I'll go grab you a flash flight from the gift shop over there." My tone is flat while I just shrug my shoulders, not bothering to sink my teeth into the bait he's throwing at me.

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