Chapter 23

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"Err Cat. Don't you think you should stop?"

Ignoring Celia's inquiring gaze, I settle on a curt reply in response. "No."

"But you've already hit thirty five. And it's almost ten thirty! People sleep at this hour Cat, not bake! You're not the star of some baking reality tv series. Relax, sis!"

"Doesn't matter."

"Catherine, you're not going to be able to eat thirty five cupcakes on your own. Are you catering for someone?" Sarcasm oozing out of her mouth, she places her elbows on the kitchen counter to inspect my face further.

"No." I keep losing the battle against my own feelings; Zander knowing my past nerved me prior to me telling him the truth, and then I thought things might be okay now since he knows but my mind can't settle on it's own level of apprehension; I'm back to being a nervous wreck.

"Fine, if you're not going to tell me anything then I'll invite Zander and Patrick over for a tea party." Turning off the electric mixer in my hand, I stare at Celia vexed. The last thing I needed was the instigator of my indecisive feelings to walk through my door.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I try to avoid the floating statement. She's fishing for a reaction and I'm not about to grab onto her bait. "Do whatever you want."

Scoffing she crosses her arms and pulls out her phone, "I really will."

"Okay." Not caring in the slightest, I place a pan in the oven and begin frosting a batch of cupcakes that have already cooled down. As I wonder whether I should go with chocolate or vanilla, a knock against the door makes something in my stomach drop – not for the first time today.

"Cupcake I smell cupcakes!" Patrick's voice explodes into the kitchen and I almost drop the frosting pipe in my hand.

Scowling, I send him a death glare before settling on vanilla as my frosting of choice. Taken aback by my moody figure, he backs away slowly and leans next to the farthest wall from me. "Cupcake what is up with the attitude?"

Celia's voice comes from the next room, most likely holding the door for the one person I want to avoid at all costs. "You shouldn't talk to her, just grab and go."

"What is this? A video game? I don't exactly have five lives to get anywhere near Cupcake."

"At least you'll be getting something to eat."

"In that case, Zander can walk into the battle zone for me. Why should I have to risk my life for cupcakes?" At the mention of Zander's name, I become frozen from sudden panic. Hovering over a cupcake, frosting pipe in hand, I make an effort to ignore the movements of someone near me.

"Cupcake you okay?" Timorously, my body tries to shrink at the sound of his voice but instead of taking notice of my discomfort, Zander grabs one of the cupcakes I've finished frosting and gobbles it down within a few bites, staring at me in the process.

"Um, yeah I'm fine." I mumble out, my eyes downcast.


"Er...yes. Really fine."

"Really fine? You're trying a little too hard to sound convincing." Sighing, I put the pipe down and tug at the sleeves of my sweater to hide my trembling fingers. I didn't even know why I was reacting this way; I couldn't justify it or even begin to rationalise my own actions other than fear or maybe the singular wasn't it, I have too many fears.

"What about me? Get me a cupcake too! I can't go anywhere near her without thinking my life is in mortal danger." Patrick's cry for help breaks something within me, I was beginning to fall into another trance, deep and dark thoughts consuming my mind and his voice reminds me that I need to act like a big girl. I shouldn't crumble this easily.

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