Chapter 32

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Why'd I agree to this again? Oh, right. Because it turns out I'm in love with Zander Nolan and find myself sat in front of a vanity mirror with Celia glamourising me in order to be presentable for my first date with Zander.

Thinking back to a few days ago when I made my 'peach box confession' which to my mortification is what Zander plans on calling it, I found myself pecked with kisses in a daze before I had to untangle myself from Zander's crushing grip and hastily say goodbye. To my shock, Zander offered to come with me under the guise of housesitting my cactus while I did matchmaking work but I refused out of wanting space to shriek and freak out all on my own.

I needed time to swallow the fact that I was now dating Zander and that I, Catherine Lewis finally had a boyfriend but what neither of us could have expected was that the matchmaking business would bring in a truck load of new clients - spring was in the air, and people were ready to find love.

Settling for texting, we agreed to make Saturday our first official date and that's how I find myself as the victim of Celia's makeover show, starring Celia Anderson the self-titled professional and Catherine Lewis, the sad audience member selected to quietly sit in a chair while she does it all.

"All done! What do you?" Celia asked, admiring her handy work and I have to give it to her, I'm a far cry from the colourful fuzzy nightmare Zander first laid eyes on. I went from looking like a bunny on crack to a city 'it' girl with straightened hair, a tweed skirt and cropped jacket set in pale blue with cream boots to match. If my outfit didn't scream 'I'm going on a date' then I certainly felt it.

Simpering with false tears, Celia nods approvingly before waving her fingers dramatically to fan her face, "I've done it, I'm finally seeing my friend go out with a guy and one who is hot too."

"Celia, I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure that's all due to me and Zander," I interjected, rolling my eyes but blush when she nudges me and squeals with all the delight of a best friend.

"Have fun and get home by eleven because if you're not...I'm going to assume things and will never let either one of you live it down."

"Celia!" I cried.

"What? You're twenty-one, it could happen."

Raising a hand to stop her train of thought, I shake my head vehemently, "Not on our first date! Why would you try and ruin the romance for me!"

"Awww, Catherineeee. Look at you being all cute and innocent! Were you looking forward to being sickeningly lovey-dovey with your man?" Celia cooed, wiggling her eyebrows and smiling deviously. 

"Celia Anderson, my boots have heels and I am not afraid of using a heel to stomp your mouth shut and purify the air of your corniness," I said through clenched teeth, smiling at her with false sweetness.

Pouting at my lack of willingness to humour her, I merely wave goodbye and head to Zander's but stop dead in my tracks when my shut-in neighbour, Mona is leaning against her unit's door as she thumbs through envelopes that are no doubt, her mail. Catching my eye, she offers an arched brow, "Is that you, Catherine?"

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