Chapter 22

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I continue to stare down at his hand while trying to figure out which form of physical action I wish to take – do I shake his hand, make a run for it, or body slam him into the bench? Deciding that options two and three were both cowardly and unrealistic, I begrudgingly shake the guy's hand all the while glaring at him.

Having done with the awkward formality (honestly, who came up with hand shaking?) Nate takes a seat next to me, eyeing me curiously, "can I ask you something?"

Biting my lip, I give him a thin smile that hopefully conveys how much I wish he wouldn't. "How's no for an answer? I'm pretty sure I made myself abundantly clear earlier."

Ignoring the venom in my voice, he folds his arms before leaning back against the bench, "what happened between you and my brother exactly? He's kind of a different person now."

Raising my eyebrows in surprise, I consider two things; how frank Nate is, and this new bit of information he's just handed over to me.

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about," I mumble out, my eyes looking for Zander. Where is he? Shawn's little brother (whom I didn't even know existed) was opening old wounds, unwanted memories gushing out. That's not to say I'm about to break down sobbing from the recollection of such unwarranted memories but my restraint was shrinking by the minute, ready to set off another bout of anger.

"Shawn's kind of changed for the worse, he's always talking about you, and when he does that's the only thing to make him smile. I know you weren't his girlfriend or anything but what happened to make him like that? He's just really cold now. He says he hated high school and never talks about it. What happened?"

Sighing, I close my eyes briefly. This kid was persistent and the only way to avoid the subject altogether is to be frank right back at him. "I'm sorry Nate, but I can't help you figure out Shawn because he's the one who said he no longer wanted to be friends. I haven't heard or spoken to him in years, and I don't have any intention of reviving a relationship that is already dead to me. I think we've respectfully held our own funerals in regard to that, if you get what I mean?"

His eyebrows furrow questioningly but my pleading gaze makes him consider his next choice of words carefully. "Did he do something to you?"

"He definitely did do something. And I'm sorry to say this but I'll never forgive him for what he did."

"But what if Shawn doesn't even know what he did? If he doesn't know he did something wrong, how is he going to understand why you hate him?"

Scoffing absently, I give Nate a hard look, "he knows exactly what he did. There is no question about that. If your brother is hung up on the past or looking through the year book or whatever it is that led him to discuss me then that's on him. Frankly, he doesn't even have the right to pine for something he destroyed."

"And why are you here?"

 My eyes widen as Nate and I stare at one another, those words did not come out of my mouth. Blinking, I turn around to see Zander maskless and sunglasses gone scowling at Nate, shopping bags in his hands. Marching up to us, he glances down at me with concern before addressing Nate, "answer me this, did she or did she not perfectly articulate her disinterest in your brother?"

"Yeah," shrugging, Nate rises off the bench, his height not in his favour as he tries to mimic Zander's brooding figure.

"So that should have been a hint," Zander chewed out acrimoniously.


"About him committing a wrong he's never owned up to and you meddling into a private matter. You hounding Catherine for particulars she has no desire of sharing was a mistake." 

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