Chapter 25

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I can't do anything but fixate my gaze on the single person on the couch while Zander helps Patrick with the bowls and containers before signalling for me to step into the apartment but its difficult to move my tense body, my spine almost rigid. To my horror however, Gwen grabs my arm and yanks me past the threshold of no return before pulling me along to come face to face with the First Lady.

Not knowing what to say, my eyebrows knit into an intricate knot, my throat going dry.

"It's nice to meet you again." My eyes widen in shock as I stare back at the First Lady, her lips forming a soft smile while searching my face, addressing me again as if reading my thoughts, "you don't have to be so scared, I leave that and politics to my husband."

"Oh well that makes sense," I mumble out regretting my words as soon as they're out, closing my eyes briefly to reprimand myself inwardly. Not even fazed by my stupid reply, the First Lady only laughs before patting the spot next to her with a delicate hand.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no nooo.

Biting my lip, I cautiously sit down next to her with Gwen still glued onto my other side, "Mom, she's way prettier than I thought. I have tough competition." Facing her, a frown sets on my face as I consider her words; how the heck was I her competition? I didn't stand a chance against her incredibly gorgeous eyes that happen to be the same green as Zander's but unlike him, she was the very definition of teen glam – everything about her appearance screamed perfection despite her age.

"Uh, I doubt that," I finally blurted out as she was beginning to stare at me with every passing moment. What the heck did I do to deserve this type of attention?

"You're just being super chill, which I like but I'm being totally serious. I'm not exactly known for lying or being fake around people."

Scoffing, the First Lady gives her daughter a fleeting look of mild derision, "And by that, she means she's the family's troublemaker, making girls cry. She even made a pop star cry."

Turning onto her mother, Gwen's eyes widen in mock hurt, "She deserved it! Who dyes their hair green and then wears a brown dress? She was asking to be called a tree."

"And it's thanks to you she was called Pop Tree for a whole month!" Mrs. Nolan extolled, not allowing her daughter's joke to effect her but Zander's snickering laugh was not injecting the seriousness she was aiming for.

Gwen crosses her arms defiantly while I can only watch on amused, noticing how mother and daughter were clearly alike. 

"At least she dyed her hair a different colour afterwards. If you ask me, I did her fans a favour." At this, I have to stifle a laugh and bite down on my lip, recalling the news and fashion police mocking the iconic pop princess. I had to agree with Gwen, and that's coming from someone who barely has a fashionable piece of clothing in her closet (besides the dress on me right now of course).

"And don't even get me started on Richard Young!" I couldn't help but react to this, my eyes lighting up with curiosity, "What about Richard?" I asked, my voice a mere murmur urging her on. As ironic as the name was, Richard Young was the nephew of one of the biggest conglomerates in the country.

Shifting her attention back to me, she begins her monologue, "He's – wait a second, are you into him Catherine?"

"You can call me Cat, and no," but seeing the look on her face I knew I was caught, "...maybe."

Her jaw drops, sending her Mom a look I can't read before her eyes slowly travel back to me, "Uh oh. Zan is not going to like that. Wait till he hears that."

"When I hear what?" At the sound of Zander's voice, the three of us turn to face him with Patrick right behind him, a frown firmly set on his face.

"That your er...friend Cat has a thing for Richie." For some reason, Gwen's tone was precautious making me wonder if Richard Young was a taboo topic.

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