2. A Story (Picture Of A Story Banner)

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Chapter 2

•A Story•

*Present time*

"Come on in kids," called old Billy Black. He was sitting inside the Quileute library. He had been doing story time for the young children lately.

"Hi Uncle Billy!" chimed little Tommy, a five-year-old who was taking his seat in the circle of chairs.

"Hello Tommy. How are you today?" asked Billy, obviously in a good mood because he has a new story to tell.

"I'm good. When are we going to start the story?" asked Tommy.

Billy scanned the room. "Right when little Sue Call gets here... Look! Her and her mother are just walking in!" And it was true. Embry Call's mother and sister ran into the room.

"I'm going to look at some books, sweetie," said Mrs. Call.

"Okay, mommy," exclaimed Sue. She jumped to the last empty seat.

Billy Black cleared his throat. "Welcome, children. Today I'm going to tell you a romance."

The boys made funny faces and the girls looked excited.

"This is a true story. I'll begin now. A long time ago, longer than any of you were alive, there was a man, a woman, and a young girl. They lived together happily until one dark rainy night. The woman wasn't happy with the man. She argued with him then took the baby girl and got in her truck and left. All the man knew was that she was going to Pheonix."

"She was going to a bird?" asked Tommy in amazement.

"No, silly. Pheonix is in Arizona," said Billy.

"There's a bird in ice tea?" asked Sue, completely awed.

"Uhh no. Let's just say she went to live with her mother far far away," tried Billy.

"In a fairy tail?" asked Tommy's twin sister, Eden.

"No, not a fairy tail." Billy grumbled in frustration. "She was going to a new town that wasn't close to the one she lived in before she left." Billy took a breath. He didn't think they'd understand all those words.

"Ohhhhh," they all said in unison.

Billy thought, how could they possibly understand that but not anything else?

"Keep talking!" said a rude child.

"Okay, okay," began Billy, "So the man became really sad. But then, he decided to go look for her. He was a policeman, so he got into his cruiser. He turned on all the flashy lights and sirens and drove as fast as he could to the nearest airport.

"When he got there, he asked the ticket-lady if she'd sold any tickets to Pheon-umm the far away town. She said she had. He asked her if she'd sold any to a certain woman, and he held up a picture of her. The ticket-lady said she had, but her flight left a couple minutes ago. A sad look crossed his face.

"The ticket-lady handed him something and said in these exact words, 'You've obviously lost a loved one. Take this ticket to gate three. Your flight leaves in a couple minutes. You'll arrive before she does because her plane has to stop twice in between here and her destination. Good luck.' And with that, the man sprinted at top speed to gate three. He got on the plane and was in between a very over-weight person and a snoring person.

"When he got off, he ran straight to the landing gate for the woman's flight. But he recieved terrible news. The plane she had taken had gotton caught in a horrid storm. It crashed. There were no reports of any deaths at the moment, but it was still possible. The man collapsed to the ground, blaming himself for the woman's misfortune.

"He left the airport, not knowing what to think. He went to the woman's mother's house, figuring that that would be the first place anyone would call with news.

"A call came around midnight, waking everyone up. The man was the first to be up so he answered. It was the woman. She was fine except for a broken arm. Their child was fine and suffered no injury. She was a bit out-of-it so she was thinking that she was speaking with her father. The man was tired and didn't realize that she thought that. The woman was on her way home. The man hung up and got dressed.

"He waited for her and when she walked in, she set the baby on the couch and turned around to see her husband. They embraced and apologized. The next day, they went back to their home. They still live together to this day. Their daugher is a big girl now. The man in the cheif of police in Forks, Charlie Swan. The woman is Renee Swan. And the baby is Isabella..."

"She likes to be called Bella," said Jacob Black as he walked into the room

"Jacob, my boy," said Billy happily.

"Hi Jacob," said all the kids.

"Hey kids," said Jacob. "Dad, when you're done, I need to talk to you."

"I'm just wrapping up," said Billy. He said bye to all the children and made sure they each had a ride home.

Billy and Jacob talked for a bit and went home together.

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