22. Planning For The Future (Picture Of Jacob)

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•Planning For The Future•

"She's... turning... into... one of... YOU? SHE'S TURNING INTO A FILTHLY BLOODSUCKER? And YOU CAN'T FIX HER?" Jacob's voice boomed loud and his fists shook violently.

"Now, Jacob-" began Carlisle.

"You filthly ANIMAL! Look at what you've done!" he yelled.

"I did nothing," Carlisle said calmly.

"No! You did everything! You created that MONSTER that hurt my girl!" Jake hollared.

"Tone it down. We don't want the locals getting suspicious. Now she'll be able to live all of eternity with you, I suppose..." snapped Rosalie.

"Whatever. We should make the arrangements for after her... transformation," said Jacob in a hard voice.

"She is always welcome with us," offered Carlisle.

"And have her near that beast of a son of yours?" retorted Jacob.

"Are you implying that she'll live with you? A dog?" asked Rosalie. She just wanted her new friend to move in with her.

"Well..." said Jacob, rethinking his idea.

"Do you really want to put her through the pain of your scent?" asked Alice.

"Do you want to be put through the pain of her scent?" asked Rosalie.

"I'll do anything for her... But I don't want her to be stuck with that. We'll let her decide, then. What about Renee and Charlie? What do we tell them?" asked Jacob.

"We'll tell them that there was a fire..." began Carlisle. "No... We'd need to create evidence. Too much of a production. She was kidnapped? That's the general story for most... But then they'll be looking for her, plastering her face everywhere so everyone will know her. That'll mean hiding and nothing public for her for a while. What about..." Rosalie cut him off.

"What if we say she was murdered? The body was so mangled that it was unrecognizable and..."

"Rosalie. No," said Carlisle.

"She's got a point," said Jacob. "But Renee might die of depression from that. That's our back-up plan, I guess." Jacob moved to stand with the unconcious Bella.

"Well, what's plan A, then?" asked Alice.

"Can't we tell them? And have murder be the cover-up for everyone else?" asked Jacob.

"That violates the one vampiric rule, though," said Carlisle. "Don't reveal the secret."

"We can't just lie to them?" asked Esme, walking up to them.

"Lie how?" pondered Carlisle.

"Tell them Bella had turned into something beyond their understanding and their knowing might cause her death." She paused. "I guess that's not really lying."

"That's actually... a really good idea. Thank you, darling," said Carlisle. "What's happening with Jasper, Emmett, and Edward?" he asked.

"Em and Jaz got a grip on Edward. They're trying to calm him down. I figured I'd leave them so it would be just boys. A men to man kind of thing," she responded. She walked up to poor Bella and looked her over motherly. She layed a hand on her forehead.

At that moment, Bella's eyelids snapped open. Her pupils darted around and a hell-raising scream was uttered from her mouth.

"Bella!" exclaimed Jacob, rushing over to her.

"Jacob!" she moaned.

"Does it hurt? Are you okay? Carlisle, can't you do something?" asked Jacob quickly.

"No. I cannot do anything. The venom penetrated her system too long ago to alter it's path. I'm sorry, Jacob. I'm sorry Bella," said Carlisle.

Jacob was beginning to like Carlisle again.

"But she's suffering," he complained softly while looking deeply into his love's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jacob. I really can't do anything. I'm deeply sorry," said Carlisle truthfully.

"Okay. Should we move her? Maybe to your home," he suggested. "I mean, as long as that vermin isn't there," he added as an after-thought.

"Don't you think it might hurt her or disrupt the process?" asked Esme.

"No, it shouldn't. She's already in so much pain she won't feel a thing," said Carlisle. Jacob winced at the thought of Bella being in such critical pain. Carlisle lifted her easily. Jacob went behind a bush and seconds later, a wolf's ear was poking out from the shrub's top.

"Let's go," said Rosalie.

"Emmett and Jazzy will catch our scents. Edward might be too... ehh... deep in contemplation to notice," said Alice.

They set off at a brisk run towards Forks. Jacob's pack heard their foot-falls and soon rocketed after them.

Bella stirred a bit but stayed mostly unconcious through the whole ordeal of moving her. By this time, all the wolf-pack, including the ones who'd come from the reservation, were all together.

Soon, they were all seated in the living room of the Cullen home, on the floors or couchs, centered around Bella's limp form on a bed.

Jacob was sitting on the bed, holding her hand. "This is terrible," he would murmur every few minutes.

Alice, Leah and Rosalie were sharing a couch. Alice had stricken up a conversation about ancient tribal clothing and Leah was listening intently. They just might be turning into friends.

Carlisle and Esme were sharing the loveseat, discussing things in extremely low voices, so quiet that the others couldn't hear, even with their advanced ears.

Emmett and Jasper had taken Edward outside. They didn't think Jacob would be able to be in the same room as him without smashing his face in. So they played touch football. (They would need a thunder storm for tackle.) Some of the pack members had joined them.

The rest of the pack was in the living room, playing every single board game owned by the Cullens.

Emily drove up and soon joined Alice, Rosalie, and Leah in their enthralling conversation.

Every once in a while, Bella would let out a sigh, moan, or scream when the pain became to unbearable for some reason.

But eventually, three days passed, everyone camped out in the Cullen house the whole time. Unless Emily drove out to town to get food or a vampire went hunting.

Bella let out a final, bloody-murder scream as all the fire was channeled to her heart. Then, her body became stiff instead of the limp form she's been for the past few days.

Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her new eyes.

Her dark, eerie, blood-red eyes.


Author's Note: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! And all I want as a present is your beautiful comments! Look for updates of all my stories, today. Check my message board for the little procedure I sent to all my fans about my birthday!!!

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