20. The Store (Picture Of Edward and Bella)

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A/N: Don't look at the picture until AFTER you read this whole chapter. It might spoil!

Chapter 20 (MILESTONE! YAY!)

•The Store•

They'd been running for about ten hours. The first lights of the morning were filtering through the canopy of trees above them. But it seemed like it would be an overcast day.

Bella had unintentionally been flicking in and out of sleep. She still didn't trust Edward, but she had to give in to her drooping eyelids. It was impossible to stay awake.

The wolves were still trailing them. They switched on and off, so they had a little more than half the pack following. Jacob always stayed, though. He was right in front. Bella would catch glances of him sometimes.

One time, Bella had been asleep and having a nightmare. She screamed and Edward jumped ten feet in the air because it had been unexpected. He hit his head on a tree branch.

They were now streaming past a highway. Every so often, Bella would hear a horn or see a light.

"Edward, are we almost to the store you wanted to go to?" she asked groggily, just waking up from a short slumber.

"Yeah. Just a half hour left until we're there." Bella frowned. She was getting really hungry.

"What town are we in?" she asked suddenly.

"Well, we crossed the boarder to Califonia about two hours ago. I haven't seen a sign since then." He sniffed around. "You're about to catch sight of Jacob. He's getting closer."

Suddenly, an ear-splitting howl ripped across the land. Jacob barreled on, now in Bella's line of view.

Edward speeded up ever-so-slightly. Jacob gave a last lunge, but his figure was lost to Bella's eyes.

"Edward. Will you please let me go?" asked Bella impatiently.

"Why would I do that after ten hours of keeping you? I still want to eat you," he said evilly. "You smell too good to resist." He smirked.

"Trust me, I'll live through this." Bella looked at Edward with pure confidence in her eyes. She knew her Jacob would save her, if anyone did. The confidence in her eyes was merely a mask to hide her true terror.

"No, I would assume not. So listen to the plan." He launched into theory, strategy, and planning.

"Do you understand?" he asked.

"I think so..." said Bella, still a little confused.

"Great..." muttered Edward, clearly intending for Bella to hear.

"Thanks," mumbled Bella sarcastically.

Edward looked at her, Emmett is so much better at sarcasm.

"Edward!" exclaimed Bella, suddenly alarmed. "What about my parents!? Where do they think I am? And what about all my friends at the party?"

"Hush hush. It's all fine. Charlie had been thinking about working late and going fishing early. He probably just thought you were asleep and didn't want to disturb you. And remember, Renee left on her trip to Seattle for a meeting about Tuppaware. She'll be there for a couple days and she left while you were at the party. Right after Jacob and everyone had left, everyone who'd stayed with Sam arrived. They said that they were sorry they'd missed the party, they were taking care of Seth. The next thing they said was there was a meeting on the rez and everyone was required to go. They said you left with Jacob. Sam and Seth stayed outside. Then they left and they're trailing Jacob and everyone."


They soon approached a town. Bella heard cars and their horns. Edward heard people and their voices.

"We're almost there. You better walk. Hold my hand because if you try and run away, I can't use my speed, but I can use my strength to hold you and no one will notice." He grinned wickedly and let Bella down, but quickly snatched her hand. "Come on. The pups are getting close." He practically dragged her into the outskirts of the sleeping town. They walked on the sidewalks under the disguise of being a couple. Bella thought she caught a glance of the human Embry once, but she wasn't sure.

"Here we are, hun," he said, making his voice full of affection. Bella can't believe that this has to be their dusguise.

"Oh yay! Let's head in now!" She chose to not use a pet-name for her kidnapper.

They walked inside while gazing into each other's eyes romantically.

Bella picked up a box of crackers and Edward wandered over to the meat counter to order her a sandwich. (They have fresh sandwich meat that you can order.)

They had seperated in the store in order to make the best time. Bella was on one side of the store, now browsing along the fruit aisle. Edward was waiting for the sandwich.

Bella's small little thought from last night came back to her head.

What if she ran for it?

It couldn't hurt to try...

Or could it?

If Edward caught up to her, would he just be so mad and drink her blood on the spot? Would he be able to catch her without using super-fast speed, with just a speed fast enough for a human?


But it can't hurt to try. He'll drink her blood eventually, whether it's now or later doesn't matter.

She silently set down the pricey apple and took some slow steps, her shoes not even making tapping sounds.

Now at the door, Bella opened it and bolted out. Her legs pounded the ground.

She suddenly heard the door's bell ring again. That would be Eddy! She slammed her toes down to improve her speed and stole a quick glance behind her. Edward was gaining, and fast.

He was still going human speed, but Bella had never been a fast runner.

A painful stitch was forming in her side and her calves were burning.

And Bella, being Bella, would be the one to trip and fall during her escape efforts.

And of course it happened to be in a desolate alley.

"Great," she mumbled. "This is JUST like all those cliché vampire books out there. The girl trips in the stupid deserted alley and the vampire gets her. I should of guessed... My life IS from a horror movie..."

She tried to stand, but Edward reached her first. He stuck a white hand over Bella's mouth and shoved her hair away from he face.

Where were the wolves now?

He inclined his head to her bare neck.

Then, he bit.


Author's Note: That is probably THE most EVIL cliffhanger I've ever written. Will Bella survive? What do you think?

This part is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, if you don't usually read author's notes, READ THIS!: I NEED to KNOW! What has your most favorite part of this fanfic been? You can put a certain chapter or a part from a chapter.

And sorry for not updating lately, I've been busy finishing up summer vacation, going places, and starting school. Sorry it's short!!!

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