19. Captivating Conversation Between The... (Picture Of Ed and Bella In Rain)

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  • Dedicated to [insert your username here]

Chapter 19

•Captivating Conversation Between The Capturing Captor and His Captured Captive•

"JACOB!" screamed Bella ear-shatteringly loud.

"Shut up, you've just become my dinner, and I would rather it not talk," said Edward as he was running with imvisible speed.

"No! Have you been planning this!?" she shreaked, her voice cracking on the no.

"Of course! Why would I want to dance with my dinner? Why would I tell you so much about my family? So you could tell all your Quileute allies and my coven would be ruined? No! It's a simple plan! So I could lure you in! But your werewolf friends made it easy. They blurred the whole thing out of Alice's visions, so she couldn't stop me because she had no idea it would happen. Ha! Hmm, speaking of them, I expect your wolf protectors will be coming soon. But they won't catch me. I'm fast... Too fast. Faster than the average vampire. But they'll be able to hear me and track me." He was just speaking to himself now really. "So I can't stop to eat... Maybe I can feed while running... But they'll surely get me after I drink her because of that stupid rule." He made a mocking voice and attempted to immitate Leah's thoughts. "Any wolf that kills the object of another wolf's imprint, accidental or intentional, must be put to death by his own brothers." He began in his own voice again. Edward was only thinking out loud because in only a few minutes, he would be eating Bella and everything she heard wouldn't matter. "I think the same rule applies to vampires," he grumbled.

"You should have thought this through," said Bella freshly. "After you kill me, they'll just be hunting you forever, because they have forever. Just. Like. You." She grinned smugly. Happy her death would be avenged. But secretly unhappy that her love and all his friends would have to be put in grave danger to do it. Edward's coven will think badly of him for it, but they'll still help him if it comes to a fight.

He shot her a menacing look that actually made him look like a terrifying vampire.

He continued to run.

And run.

And run.

He never slowed or tired.

So he ran some more.

But it was the same with the wolves.

They ran.

And ran.

And ran.

And never slowed or tired.

So Edward could never stop.

"Maybe you should rethink this," suggested Bella, still in her fresh mood. Being kidnapped was not her favorite event.

"I think I thought it perfect the first time," snapped Edward.

"No. When are you going to stop to eat me? Never! Because you can't! They'll follow you until you stop. If you have me alive... well... they might not attack you. But if I'm dead from either my blood being drunk or freakin' starvation," her voice was getting louder as her threat went on, "you will BE ATTACKED!"

At that moment, a vicious snarling erupted from behind Edward and Bella.

Jacob had come into view and was speeding up quickly.

On his flanks, barely visible because they were so far back, were Quil and Embry.

"JACOBBBBBB!" screached Bella.

Jake picked up his pace, if that was even possible at his current speed.

Edward growled and rocketed forward. "MY dinner," he shouted.


"Shut up, you foolish girl!" yelled Edward.

. . .

"No. JACOBBBBBB!" hollared the stubbourn Bella.

The vampires were always faster than the wolves. Edward picked up his pace to the point that Jacob couldn't move faster. Edward was a lightning bolt.

Soon, Jacob left Bella's view. She let out a cry of distress. A whimper could be heard, obviously coming from Jacob.

"Jake..." she murmured quietly, defeated for now.

"You thought he would catch me? Is that it? Well he won't! I'm too fast for that whole pack."

A silent tear made a track down Bella's left cheek. Her temper always seemed to be wired directly to her tear ducts. Well... that, plus the fact that she may never see her soulmate again...

"Hey," said Edward, calmer, "Sh-sh-sh. Don't be sad. Being eaten won't hurt that bad..."

She glared at him as if she was staring a hole in him.

"Maybe you should take a nap... or something like that?" he suggested, feeling a tiny twinge of regret for his soon-to-be killing. He would be nice to her for her last few hours, or days, or months. However long it will be.

"So you can kill me while I'm asleep? Pfft! Yeah right! I'm not stupid! I may be a little hair-brained or erratic sometimes, but I'm most certainly not stupid." Edward was now carrying Bella bridal style. She folded her arms around her chest and looked ahead.

"Okay then. But you must be getting hungry?" he asked knowingly.

To answer his question, Bella's stomach emmitted a slight growl.

"Okay. So I suppose we'll need to stop for food. Maybe we'll go to a store. Or I can pick some berries while I'm running. How about I do that second one to tie you over until we can stop at a store. It'll be a little convienient store. They can't get near it in their wolf forms because they'll start the bear rumors agian. It's the perfect plan!" He smiled a crooked grin at his achievement of creating a brilliant plan.

Of course, Bella just had to ruin his moment and said flattly, "Will I get to walk or will you be carrying me around?"

"You can walk," he said in a monotone. It's not polite to ruin people's epiphany moments.

"When are we stopping?" asked Bella, a plan bubbling up inside her brain.


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