21. Fire (Picture Of Jacob)

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Chapter 21

(A/N: Yay! This chapter is old enough to drink!)


His teeth sunk into Bella's flesh, his venom penetrating her blood stream.

"THE FIRE!" she screamed. "IT BURNS!"

Edward clamped a hand over Bella's mouth. All that was heard was a mute whimpering coming from her mouth.

Edward indulged in his succulent prize.

But Bella's savior jumped out.

"JACOB!" was heard even through Edward's grasp on Bella's mouth.

But Edward wouldn't stop -couldn't stop- drinking Bella's blood. He was in hunting mode. It is impossible for him to stop, even seeing the potential threat.

"Stop sucking my girlfriend you asshole," growled Jacob. He launched himself into Edward, opting to use his wolf form against the rock. They collided and Edward was ripped from Bella, her body limply slumping from his arms.

Edward's eyes burned with intensity at his enemy. The wolf.

Edward jumped up and swung his granite fist so it collided with Jacob's furry cheek. Jacob stumbled back but quicky sprung at Edward, but he flew straight into the wall when Edward side-stepped. It's hard to fight with someone who reads minds.

Edward gracefully whirled on his feet to face Jacob, a smirk plastered to his face. Jacob had determination written across his features while he was slowly sitting up.

Bella just lied there, unconsious, unable to see her love's possible demise.

Jacob made a spur of the moment decision, so Edward had no idea what was coming. He launched over his head, hit the wall with his paws, and tackled Edward from behind. Edward fell to the ground, trying to get at Jake from every possible angle... But he couldn't. If Jacob could talk now, he'd be saying, "And the great and famed Edward Cullen goes down."

But suddenly, a snarling was heard from one side of the alley way.

More wolves. They slowly stalked forward until they were all next to the still unconcious Bella. Quil phased and put his pants on. He kneeled down to Bella.

"Sam," he began. He was interupted by Edward's arm flying across his face. "Sam, she's not going to make it through this as a human. Even if we have a vampire suck out the venom, she'll be gone. She's already lost too much blood." All the wolves heads inclined towards Bella in silence.

One of their closest friends is turning into an enemy.

On the opposite end of the alley that the wolves had appeared at, Emmett, Carlisle, and Jasper arrived, running top speed towards the battle. Carlisle ran straight to Bella while Jasper and Emmett tried to break up the fight. Seconds later, Alice, Rosalie, and Esme rushed over. Esme helping her sons and Alice and Rosalie helping their father.

The wolves marched over to help break the fight up. Quil picked up Edward's arm and walked over human.

"This is not good," muttered Carlisle.

"What is it?" asked Alice anciously.

"Edward bit her. And he took a lot of blood," said Carlisle gravely. His daughters gasped.

"So is she going to tun into one of... One of us?" asked Rosalie quietly. "Or has she lost too much blood already?"

"I believe she's beginning the burning and should wake up any minute now and start screaming. We better move her or the townspeople will get suspicious,"

"Jacobbb," sighed Bella. Her eyelids suddenly flared up when she yelled, "MAKE THE FIRE GO AWAY!"

Carlisle stuck a hand to Bella's mouth and lifted her easily with his other hand. Jacob gave a whine of protest because Jasper had him restrained while Esme and Emmett had Edward. Jacob was in no need of being stopped, but they weren't sure if he was unstable at the moment.

"Dr. Cullen, make it END!" she shreaked. The pain in Bella's face was mirrored in Jacob's eyes.

"Bella, shhh," hushed Rosalie, her mothering nature coming out in her. "It might stop faster if you just calm down."

"It will never end! It hurts too bad for it to ever be possible to stop! Dr. Cullen help meeee," she sobbed.

"Bella, call me Carlisle, I'm taking you somewhere. You and Jacob will both be safe. And let's just say neither of you will be leaving Earth for a long time. You'll both be... immortal... Well, in different ways," he stated. The three of them ran at vampiric speeds to a small clearing in the woods with a flat log. He layed Bella on it and they sat back and tried to calm Bella as she underwent the painful transformation.

*back in the alley*

"Edward, hunny, calm down," chimed Esme.

"NOOO-" he roared, but was cut off when Emmett punched him in the gut.

"Shush," he said.

Jacob whimpered. "I think you can let him go now," said Esme to Jasper.

"But we don't know if he's in any condition to not harm Edward. And-" rambled Jasper in his usual cautious way of thinking.

"No. Jasper. Let him go. Let him go find Bella," said Esme.

"But mo-om," he whined like a ten-year-old.

"Let 'em go, Jasper," said Esme stearnly.

He released his grip and Jacob barreled off into the wilderness, following the scent of the path's most recent users.

Jacob was outside the clearing quickly. He phased and dressed and slowly approached the opening in the trees.

"Carlisle," he began. "Wha-what's gonna happen to her?"

"I'm sorry, Jacob. She's turning into one of us. She's turning into a vampire and there is no way to stop it."


Author's Note: I'm sorry for not updating in forever. I've been working on a big time-consuming project and I've had lots of honework. Gymnastics is now every day a week so I have no free time like I did last year. So here's the chapter that I work on instead of my homework. I'll just do it tomorrow since it's not due til then. Please don't defan me and keep the comments coming. It honestly makes my day to see them. :)

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