8. A New Seat for a New Kid (Picture Of Edward)

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Chapter 8

•A New Seat for a New Kid•

*the next day at Forks High during lunch*

"I just CAN'T believe you!" gushed Jessica. She had learned earlier that Bella and Paul were done, but Bella had a new special someone. Bella wouldn't tell the details until lunch.

"Yeah, you're such a player," joked Mike. The usual crew was sitting at their lunch table.

"So who is your new lover?" asked Angela excidedly.

"Well... It's another Quileute boy..." began Bella hesitantly.

"It's Jacob?" guessed Angela.

"No, it can't be, she said she would never date her best friend. It probably that Q kid. What was it? Quilt? Quilwort? Quil?" tried Mike.

"No... Angela is right..." assured Bella slowly.

"WHAT?" exploded the teens at the table. Most of the cafeteria looked at them.

"What are you all looking at? Get back to your lunch. Hey you, yeah, you- you eat that apple! Now!" Mike boomed.

"I thought you said you'd never date him?" inquired Eric.

"Something just... clicked between us." The secret of the wolves and vampires was bubbling inside her. She wanted to tell someone, but she knew she couldn't. She sighed. She obvuously couldn't talk about Jacob's imprinting on her either.

"Okay, well how did you break up with Paul?" asked Jessica. "...HOW would you break up with him? He's so yummy!"

"And who exacty is your boyfriend?" interupted Mike.

"I'm only kidding, sweetie," she cooed.

"Well, umm..." Bella had to make something up, quick. She can't tell them that Paul thought she would mess with blood-suckers so he didn't trust her. So they split up. She decided to dumb it down but keep the same original concept. "Well, Paul didn't trust me about a uhh... private matter, so we split up."

"You really think that we'll let you live from only saying that?" asked Jessica, prime-gossip-time eyes sparkeling.

"Yes?" tried Bella hopefully.

"Just leave it, Jess," said Eric. Bella mouthed a thank you to him.

"Whatever. Well, Bella, your secret hater is back!" Jessica giggled and looked over at the Cullens at their private table. Edward had missed all his morning classes and had just walked into the lunchroom to sit with his siblings.

"He doesn't hate me!" shot Bella. She just realized that she hadn't asked Jake why Edward had stormed away after noticing her. For some reason, she didn't believe Alice's "memory-jog" story.

"Sure," said Angela with a teasing tone.

Tyler suddenly walked in. He'd also been absent all morning.

"Hey, Ty!" exclaimed Bella, trying to change the subject.

"Hi," he said stiffly. He had been at the dentist, having five teeth pulled. He sat down with a thud, muttering an, "I don't wanna talk bout it," before Jessica could jump up to hammer him with questions.

*at the Cullen table*

"Edward!" gushed Alice. "You're back!" She gave him a big hug. He hadn't been home the night before.

"Where've you been?" asked Jasper Hale calmly in his soft southern drawl.

"Alaska," spit Edward.

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