Chapter 12 Let's get crazy

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Hey guys :D here''s the new chapter, will be off on holiday so can't upload for 2 weeks or so. Forgive me! Please comment and vote! I need somethng to motivate me!


OK, I admit, tasering him might be a little harsh, but his smirked really really pissed me off for some reason (excuses my language). I mean, who do he think he is? Breaking my heart and then trying to kiss me just 2 months after. (OK, he probably didn't know about the heart breaking part, but still it's his fault, not to mention he had a girl friend, even though he was drunk). So as I stood there tasering him, I didn't felt all too guilty, and the first thing that popped into my mind was, one have no idea how sweet revenge is.

I only tasered him for a total of two seconds, but coupled with the knee at the groin he doubled over in a huddle of pain and didn't got up. I kneed down so that he could see my face. 'That, is for trying to take advantage of me.' I waved the taser in his face, and then pointed to his groin. ' And that was for your girlfriend.'

The crowd around me started to clap, I was a bit flustered from the little speech and smiled at the crowd. Aidan got what he deserved, a little humiliation won't hurt him, it would do him some good. His ego was the size of Texas and will grow to the size of US if someone don't put a stop to it.

' Oh my god, did you just tasered Aidan Owen.' Alison was standing at the side of the circle surrounding Aidan and me and attacked me as I walked pass. Her revenge for me pushing her in the pool momentarily forgotten.

'He was trying to kiss me.' I told her, she didn't know what happened in the summer, and I don't see the need to tell her about it, so she shook her head at me with her mouth hanging opened.

' But it's Aidan Owen, granted you have Will, but still, he wouldn't have known.' She said, looking longingly back at where Aidan laid, I rolled my eyes and elbowed her in the ribs, she turned to me feigning hurt.

'Remember Whitney?' I asked in a fake cheerful voice, Alison signed giving one last look at the direction of Aidan's 'resting' site before carrying on.

'So where did you ran off to? You disappeared for like an hour!' She demanded, linking her arms through mine as we weaved through the crowd. I looked up from my feet in surprise, I didn't realise it had been that long, I must had spend way more time looking for Alison and Will in the crowd than I thought.

I told Alison about the kiss, she was so ecstatic that she almost jumped on me. 'That is so cute!' she exclaimed, we had decided to go back into the house to get some food. Once we were inside I headed straight to the pile of food, Alison tutted and dragged me towards the drinks table, taking a bottle of beer for me and one for herself

' Anna, we come here to party, you can't go around not even drinking.' Alison said in a teachery voice, taking a can opener on the table and popping open my beer for me. I raised my eyebrow at her, not sure if I particularly wanted to drink it, I don't know what my siblings would say if they see me going home drunk. But then Alison looked at me encouragingly, I sighed internally and took a sip of my beer.

'Seriously Anna, I am not an idiot.' now it's Alison's turn to raise her eyebrow at me, I rolled my eyes and took a long drink from the beer. Alison let out a party whoop, holding my free hand with hers before dragging me back out. 'It's time to party!'

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