Chapter 23 Get Over It

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Hey guys :) I know that my story's gramma and tenses very bad...but promise i will look over it or get it edited!

Mainwhile, please comment and vote??? :)


'You.' He said, looking right at me. My heart skipped a beat. Holy crap, was he going to confess his love to me? Lost for words, I just looked dumbly back at him.

'Don't worry, I am not in love with you.' He added, seeing the look on my face, I blushed, whoops, guess now I am the one who over think it. 'You just made me think, and since I helped you once, might as well be consistent, right?' He said giving me wink.

'Huh?' I asked, still dumb folded, it made a bit of sense, but only a bit. He chuckled at my expression. 'I have my reasons, and I meant what I said last time.' He said with a another wink, I rolled my eyes at him. And people say women are mysteries, men aren't any better. I thought angrily.

However hard I try to weasel the 'reasons' behind Aidan's help towards me, I couldn't get anything out of him (He actually went as far as to go in the girls bathroom with me while I clean my top). Hannah, who saw the whole thing unfold brought me a ham and cheese sandwich and gave it to me, the whole time giving Aidan a weird look.

Aidan, who was fully aware of Hannah's attention to him chuckled and left, but not before messing up my hair again. I scrowled at him while he waved goodbye to me in a gesture so causal that it was like we had been friends forever. My heart still flustered even though he made it clear that it didn't like me, like I said, it doesn't make him any less hot.

Hannah watched him leave with an open-mouthed, I can't help but smirk at her expression, it was like a kid in awe of the tall Christmas tree for the first time. 'OMG, is he like, in love with you?' Hannah squealed. I resist the urge to cover my ears or to roll my eyes.

'No, we are just friends.' I said, Hannah's glance lingered at where Aidan had left with a dream-like expression, I gave her a shove snapping her out of her trance.

'What? He is so hot.' She said, I tutted at her. 'Remember Oliver?' I asked with a playful tone, Hannah immediately turned scarlet making me laugh. I managed to finish my sandwich just before the bell rang and we headed back to class.

After that people had stop being outright mean to me, there were still a couple snide remarks and an awfully lot of whisper going on, but at least the whole you-are-invisible-so-I-slammed-into-you thing and the silly gangster talk had stopped. Thanks to Aidan.

God, I have never thought that one day I will thank Aidan Owen. It wasn't just him though, surprisingly, Alison, Bethany, Olivia (and Gina of course) and a couple of jocks (Ethan, Nick and co) whom I was rather friendly with stood up for me too. Most people decided not to take sides, seeing as this would probably die down by the end of term if not this year as Will graduate, and nothing escalate higher than nasty remarks in corridors and class. But somehow at the back of my mind I knew that things could get nasty.

The strange thing is that Aidan now sit with us at lunch, along with Alison. She told me after school that day that she was sick and tired of Tori and her possy. We ended up getting a lot of glares from Tori's table and glances from the rest of school who just can't get use to this.

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