Chapter 15 My heart only have you

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Still on holiday :) but I battled against my sister (whom I share a room with), stayed up and finished this chapter! Whooop!

Please comment and vote! Enjoy :D


I didn't know whether or not Whitney gave Aidan a hard time or not, since things pretty much returned back to normal in Everwood High after our little talk. But for me, things are different, sometimes I wondered whether it's a good thing or bad thing, to be honest, I am still not sure.

Will still walk me to my locker every morning, and I usually sit with him and his friends during lunch, and maybe once a week I would sit with my friends when he had football practice. I had to watch everyone of his games too, which are much better now that I know who is playing, but seriously, I don't really see the point in tossing a ball and getting attack by people in a muddy field, but that's just me.

Parties had also became a frequent events, whenever someone's parents leave town for the weekend or whatever. I now have the sense to not to drink to the point when I got drunk, I still haven't managed to wriggle what I did at Nick's party out from Will, but judging from the smile on his face everytime I mentioned it, I think he enjoyed it a little too much. What I did found out was that Torie was the one who skinny dipped then refused to come out of the pool, they had to drag her out.

It's been more than two months since summer ended and school had became like a routine again. I sighed as I took my stacks of homeworks from my locker into my bag, only two weeks till Christmas break starts and I just can't wait till I can sleep in all day!

'So, had Will asked you to go to the Snow Ball yet?' Alison appeared out of nowhere as I slammed my locker shout, nearly scaring me into dropping all my books. I rolled my eyes at Alison, who pretended she didn't see it and flipped her hair causing some boys nearby to gasped. I rolled my eyes again, she is such a flirt sometimes.

'No, but I think he is going to, since he told me he would skip practice today and give me a ride home.' I said, smiling. Alison gave out a whistle and slapped me lightly on the arm.

'You go girl! Have you got your dress yet?' she asked, I shook my head, I didn't want to get one until I was sure that I am going. 'We need to go dress shopping this weekend, you should be more prepared!' Alison tutted at me, I shrugged, there was sill two weeks left! There really isn't a hurry.

'Whatever, I will see you on Saturday?' I asked, Alison nodded. 'Who are you going with anyway?' I asked, I knew loads of people asked Alison to go with them, but I didn't particularly remembered her saying yes to any of them.

'Oh, it's a surprise.' she replied, smiling evilly and winked at me. I ignored her knowing she will eventually spilled since she can't keep a secret to save her life.

I waited nervously at Will's car for him. Please let him ask me to the dance, last year I went with Hannah, not exactly a date if you ask me.

I shifted my weight from one foot to another, getting slightly bored. Just then Will appeared as if on cue, he smiled at me making my heart beat quickened, I smiled back at him almost automatically. I sometimes still wondered what Will Knight see in me, I mean, he was one of the hottest guy in school, whereas I , am just the nerdy girl. This kind of relationship only happens in movies right?

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