Chapter 6

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Two months had passed and Maria was going to be my date for my friends wedding. I was beginning to fall for her. She was kind and cooked like a boss. My sister had to get a check up so it was just Mika and I so I decided to go over Maria's house. It would be the first time she has met Mika. I'm helping Mika out the truck when I hear her scream. I raced to figure out what is going on. Mika just follows behind me. 

"MARIA WHERE ARE YOU," I say busting in her house. I have a key but I don't use it. The door is open this really makes me worried. I used my still of silence as I walk through the house. Mika just closes the door. Next thing I know I'm in the kitchen being body slammed. The person is very strong and when I see Maria is ok I give up trying to push him off of me. Maria is holding Mika's hand standing in the doorframe. 

"Tom get off of my boyfriend," she says addressing me with my new title. 

Tom eases up and I take that advantage to get up. 

"You know this guy," Tom says confused. 

"Yea," she turns to me," is this Mika. She points to him and I just nod my head. 

"How long have to been knowing him, what does he do, is he good to you," Tom asked with a concerned face. He was her brother and the girl that walked in beside her was her sister they looked alike. 

"We have been knowing each other for 5 months, I'm a marine sir and I have been told you are to, I treat hernice protect her like you would," I answer with the most respect I can give a fellow marine. He looks at me and laughs. 

"I like you already. But you need to become better at your defense, you suck," he said making me laugh. 

"Yea I know I've been away for to long. But I'm was never that great at combat just sniper." 

"Oh you're a sniper. I guess we can learn from each other while I visit my baby sister, deal." 

"Deal." He has no clue how good I am, I've killed 6 people with one bullet. Don't mess with my family. That southern living got to me. I spent the rest of the night with Maria. My sister even came over when I told her where I was. She had been cleared they didn't see any new appearances in her cancer. Looks like I would be going back to the battlefield sooner than I thought. Maria's family was very welcoming. You could tell her siblings loved her and missed her. Her sister was filling her in about school and boys. Her sister liked to party and have sex as you could see that Maria and Tom did not like that. It was quite funny to see Maria try to be a parent towards her sister. Her brother just shook his head and looked at Maria and told her she wasn't as hard to raise. We ate pasta and called it a night. Maria and I sat on the couch watching BBC version of Being Human on Netflix. My sister had left with a sleeping Mika and Maria's siblings went upstairs to lie down. After 5 episodes she fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and carried her to her room to lay her down. I was about to go when she grabbed my arm whispering for me to stay. 

*Maria's POV  

I watched him stand up take off his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. He was so fit. He laid down next to me wrapping his arms around me. He was warm and soft. Him and my family had gotten along and that meant a lot to me. I felt safe with him. I didn't want to stop this moment. I woke up in the morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. When I got down stairs I found Drew cooking pancakes. My brother and sister were already sitting there eating. I told them good morning kissing their head like when we were kids. I stole a piece of my brother's bacon and ran to Drew. Hugging him from behind kissing his shoulder. 

"Good morning beautiful," he said looking back at me. I walked to the table and sat down. Drew brought over my plate full of pancakes, bacon, and fried eggs. He knew me so well in just knowing each other for a couple in months. He sat down and started eating. 

"So are we gonna train today," my brother asked Drew. 

"Yes just after I eat, go home take a shower, and get my guns. I need to set up a range for us to shoot. But I think I know a place. My dad and I would shoot there when I was younger," said Drew proud of himself. 

"What is it," my brother asked. 

"An old house that no one lives in it it's been abandon for years and years." 

When Drew left my brother kept saying how much he liked Drew and respected him. I was happy he approved.

I just hung out with my sister while the boys played around. Drew just didn’t know how well my brother was a combat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he came back with a black eye and my brother had a bullet hole somewhere in his body.

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