Chapter 13

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*Drew's POV

Maria was at the six-month mark, which seems to happen really fast in my eyes. She was getting big, but she still had her shape. Only her stomach grew, which amazed my sister. While everything with my marriage was going good my sister's health was not. She was back in the hospital, which upset me a little, but it was fine I had Mika to think of. Maria had been a big help without her I don't know if I could take it. Today was the day where we found out the sex we had to postpone it cause of Rose. Maria felt like Rosa was more important than finding out the sex of the baby. She was getting the gel put on her stomach. She always told me how it felt like they put it on ice. I held her hand as we looked at the screen. 

"Ok well if you look her you can see that you are having a .......girl," said the doctor as she printed out the sonograms. I kissed Maria on the forehead. She was crying I wiped her tears away from her eyes and started to wipe the gel off her stomach. Once it was all off I kissed her stomach listening to the baby. It kicked me. Maria and I laughed at how the baby responded to my touch. I loved my daughter already. I thanked Maria everyday for giving me this happiness. Once we left that doctor we headed to the real hospital to see my sister. When we got there her and Mika were watching a movie.  

"So am I having a niece or a nephew," she said moving Mika. 

"You are having a NIECE," Maria said smiling from ear to ear. She leaped from happiness and ran to my sister showing her the sonograms. They just stared at them while I went a sat by the window. 

"What are we gonna name her," I asked Maria. 

"I don't know," she said putting her stuff down. 

"What about Mary," I said looking at the people passing. 

"No what about Esther," she said. 

"Where did that come from?" 

"What she was a queen in the bible," she said shrugging. 

"What about Nia," my sister said flipping through channels. Maria and I looked at each other and agreed. 

"I like that name," Maria said for the both of us. 

"What about middle names," I said now that we got one thing down. 

"We got the first name lets figure that out later," said Maria wobbling over to me. She sat in my lap. I rubbed her belly. I felt at peace with my family. We sat there for a while. My sister and Maria started falling asleep. Mika went over to his mom and kissed her forehead. She whispered something in his ear. He shook his head and hugged her. I got up to go get something from the vending machine down the hall. I turned around and dropped my food. Doctors were rushing to my sister’s room yelling instruction to each other. They pushed Maria out of the room with Mika. I started to walk like a zombie. Maria was crying calling my name. I was half way there when my heart dropped. I fell to my knees. Maria rushed over to me and started to hold me. Mika walked up to us and rubbed Maria's back. 

"Mommy said its ok everything is ok. Stay strong," he whispered to us. That's what she told him. The doctors started to file out of the room. The head doctor walked up to us and got on his knee. 

"I'm sorry to tell you this but she didn't make it. We tired everything we could do without hurting her body. I'm very sorry for you lost," he said patting my back and getting up. He was crying. I noticed a lot of the doctors and nurses were crying. My sister had touched them all. Why my sweet Rose my sweet sister? I cried harder into Maria's shoulder. She just held on to me. We had been in the position for a while until Maria made me get up. I walked to the room and took one last look at my sister. Her blonde hair pushed behind her ears. Her cheeks were still rosy. She looked so beautiful even dead. I touched her one last time and walked out of the room. Maria had called our friends and family telling them what had happened. I knew she would break down soon but she was being strong for the baby and me. She was my rock. She drove home. Mika fell asleep on the backseat. I picked him up and put him in the house. I went to my room and found Maria in a ball crying. I held on to her and rubbed her stomach. This brought me peace. To know that even though my sister had left me I would still have my daughter to look forward to.

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