Chapter 12

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*Maria's POV 

A month had passed of us being married. Drew didn't have to go back for another year, which was perfect. I woke up this morning feeling sick. I didn't throw up I just felt wrong. I was making breakfast when I felt like I needed to throw up. I emptied my stomach in the trash. Drew rushed over I me rubbing my back. Once I was done he took the trash and told me to lie down. I had been sleep for an hour when Rose came in my room with a bag of pregnancy test and 3 bottles of water. Rose had been doing ok. She had been spending every moment that she could with Mika. Mika now had a room at our house. Something Rose did herself. She really didn't believe she would make it. 

"Come on girly get up and get to drinking,” she said handing me a bottle of water. I drank it all in 5 minutes. We sat there for about 10 minutes until I had the urge to go pee. She started ripping open boxes taking out two from fives different boxes and handing them to me. I peed on the ones I could handle and sat them on the counter. I drunk another bottle and started the process again. By the end of this hour I had drunk all the water and peed on 30 sticks. I was sitting on my bed tired and wore out waiting for Rose to come out the bathroom. I was falling asleep when she came out smiling. 

"So am I going to be a mom or not," I said rushing her answer. 

"You are... Going to have a baby," she said dancing around the room. This was the first time I had seen her happy in a while. She started jumping on the bed. I just laughed at her. I went down stairs to find Drew sleep on the couch with Mika lying on top of him. They were watching football. Rose came downstairs and woke up Mika telling him to go in his room. He slowly got up rubbing his eyes. Rose gave me one of the pregnancy test as I sat on Drew. I started to rub his chest. 

"Drew baby get up," I sad whispering to him. He stirred a little.  

"Baby I'm tired," he said opening his eyes a little. 

"But I have something to tell you," I said kissing his chest slowly moving to his lips. 

"What is it?" 

"Open your eyes and ill show you." He started to open his eyes and sit up. I had to move down so he could sit right. I pulled up my shirt and showed him the pregnancy test.  

"We're having a baby," I said placing his hand on my stomach. His eyes started to water. He pulled me into him and kissed me. 

"No way." 

"Yes way." 

He smiled brighter than anything I had seen. I hadn't seen that smile since our wedding day. I'm glad it was back. His sister came out of nowhere and hugged him. I got up and called my family telling them the news. They were excited. My sister wanted to come down immediately to watch me grow but I told her to wait. The next day we went to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy and the test came back positive. I was officially pregnant. This was the next step of our marriage. It was everything I every wanted. Drew was my happiness. I knew no matter what her would always be there for our baby and me.

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