Chapter 11

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*Maria's POV

It's been a month since Drew left. I was watch Mika today cause he didn't have school and Rose had a doctor's appointment. It was 1:30 when Rose came in. She looked broken. I sent Mika outside to the back porch. Rose walked to the couch and starting crying. I walked to her a started rubbing her back. She leaned into me and cried. I wish Drew was her cause seeing his sister in this state of mind was breaking me but I had to be strong for her. When she finally calmed down she laid her head in my lap. I started combing her hairs with my fingers.  

"It's back," she said quietly. 

"It's ok you are a fighter you'll be fine,” I said trying to bring her courage. 

"No not this time. This time is different I can feel it. I don't even know if I will make it to your wedding day in three months." When she said that my heart broke. Rose had become my second sister. The older sister I had never had. 

"Yes you will you are strong." 

"Thank you Maria thank you for letting me cry. Can you tell Drew for me?" 

"Yes of course you go rest. I’ll fix something to eat." 

She went upstairs after kissing her son on the forehead. Mika helped me make a honey glazed salmon with rice. Once it was done I sat a plate aside for Rose and let Mika eat while I told his uncle the news. I got I video chat and put on a strong face. As soon as I saw his face a broke down.

*Drew's POV

As soon a Maria broke down on video chat I knew something was up.  

"What's wrong," I asked Maria. She looked up at me with so much pain. 

"Its.. It's Rose the cancer is back. They don't think she will make it this time," she said breaking me down. I was so angry why Rose why my loving hard working sister. Why not these ungrateful sons of bitches I see everyday? I got up and knocked down the stack of stuff beside my laptop making all the men in the tent stand up. They all knew about my sister and knew not to mess with me when I was mad or protective. Adam walked over to me and tried to calm me down. Maria just kept crying. I walked over to the laptop when I was calm. 

"Baby stop crying please. It will be ok. Just make sure she goes to all the appointments and takes her medicine. Go with her to the doctor as a support system. Ok can you do that for me? I will be back home in a two month don't worry," I said making her calm down a little. We talked a little while about the wedding. Once we were done talking Rose was up and eating so Maria decided she should go.  

The two months passed and from what Maria was telling me there were good times and bad times. Telling Mika was the hardest thing to do but he was fine and understood in the end. Once I got to the airport Maria was there to take me home. We got home to find Rose and Mika watching a movie. Rose ran to me and hugged me not wanting to let go. I wanted to breakdown in my sister's arms but I stayed strong. I was getting married in a couple of days and everything was coming together. It was going to be small with only close friends and family.

On the day of the wedding Rose was feeling good which was a good sign for me and Maria. These last couple of weeks had been hard. Maria had seen me break down she just held me and rubbed my hair calming me down instantly. I was a little nervous about today. I stood at the alter looking at my sister, nephew, Anna, and fellow marines. The curtains open showing me my wife in a white lace dress. She looked like an angel… my angel. He hair was up in a messing bun with beads laced in it. She didn't have on shoes, which was fine for our outdoor wedding. I could see our sisters crying at the sight of her. I tear coated my cheek as she stood next to me. She gently wiped it away smiling at me. I just looked at her. We said our vows and kissed. Everyone cheered. As I sat at the reception I thought back on the past year. I had met my soul mate. The one who was like no other. My parents would be proud. Rose and Maria were dancing together on the dance floor. Maria’s sister had brought her before much to her brother’s displeasure. He would talk trash to me every few seconds which would make my boys and I laugh until we were holding our stomachs. It was a good day. When everyone left the house was to Maria and I. I carried her up to our room and closed the door.  I put her on the dresser looking up at her ruffling my hair.

“I love you Drew Jameson,” she whispered smirking.

“I love you Maria Jameson,” I said kissing her.

I reached under her dress and pulled her underwear down throwing them across the room. Her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me in closer deepening the kiss. She started to unbutton my shirt having already taken off my jacket. Her hands roamed my abs inching up my chest. I unzipped her dress pulling it off her body as I put her on the floor. I pulled my pants down and took off my boxers. She laid down on the bed waiting for me. when I started it was slow and stead, but It turned into a hot and heated moment for the record books. When lasted for hours her moans filling my ears.

I loved her I did with ever inch of me. I didn't want to leave the moment of being in her arms.

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