Chapter 15

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~3 months later 

*Maria's POV 

Mika had started his sports and man was he good at it. I was at home in my room when I felt a sharp pain and my stomach. What the fuck! 

"DREW," I screamed for him. I heard him rush up the stairs almost falling.  

"Yes babe are you ok," he asked touching my stomach. This man was protective over our kid. He hasn't let Amy touch my stomach last time she was over our house. 

The pain hit me again making me scream. He looked scared, which made me laugh. But the laughingstopped when I felt wetness on my legs. I was only wearing a t-shirt so it was on the floor. Drew jumped back. 

"My water broke get the bag. Call Amy," I barked at him. He stood there at first scared then he thought for a little while but when I screamed again he moved. Next thing I know I'm in his arms bridal style rushing down stairs and out the door. Mika just followed behind eating a sandwich and closing the door. He reached into Drew's back pocket and took out his phone and started calling someone. Drew placed me in the car and got in himself. Mika was in the backseat typing away. The phone ringed and Mika answered. 

"Hey Amy Maria's in labor," he said taking a bite of his sandwich. He hung up the phone and gave it back to Drew. Drew looked at him amazed. We got to the hospital and the pain got worse. I felt like my vagina was ripping. I had been there for an hour and I still was not pushing my baby out. All they did was give me alot of pills. Which were amazing cause I couldn't feel anything. I felt like I was on cloud nine. Drew was rubbing my hair, Mika was playing with the TV, and Amy had just gotten here with ice and a lot of pillows. She rubbed my hand and talked I don't know what she was saying. The hours past and next thing you know they are preparing to deliver. 

*Drew's POV 

When I got back into the room after changing they were ready. I was told to hold Maria's legs and to talk to her. I positioned myself. She started pushing I rubbed her hair.  

"I can see the head one more big push for me," said the doctor. I looked down to where the action was happening. I wished I hadn't. I was thrown off a little which made Maria laugh. I shook it off and focused on Maria. It took 30 minutes for the whole bod to be out. It was a girl. Her high pitch scream made me start to cry that was my daughter. I kissed my wife. Try cute the cord and cleaned her. Once she was cleaned and ready they handed her to me. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me. She had sea foam green eyes and dirty blonde hair and olive skin. Something about her remembered me of my sister. They finish getting Maria stitched up. I brought the baby to her. She started to cry. We told the doctors her name Nia Rose and just enjoyed our baby. Our the next couple of days people came and said hi to us and the baby. Maria's mom stayed with us to help Maria get use to being a mom. I loved watching her with Nia. It was so natural for her. Our baby was here. She was healthy and beautiful. Nothing could take me out of this happiness. This was my life. I wouldn't change any of it.

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