Chapter 2

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I can hear someone talking to me. "You are a sacrifice. For us, we vampires, the ultimate sacrifice."

"Ahhhg." Ah, morning already... But, how did I get into my bed...

After noticing that for some reason I had slept in my regular clothes, I got up, and felt totally weary. As if the world of dreams and reality had become one, I listlessly sat staring into the morning sun peering through my window. I looked at cell phone next to the pillow, and jumped up suddenly as I discovered that my first class was only minutes away. "This time already! Oh no!"

I forgot about last night, got ready, and ran out of the apartment. As I was in class, I began to review in my mind what happened last night.

I'm job was over, and I was going back home. And then...wait, what?

The memory of last night seemed to loom behind a cloud, somewhere in the back of my mind. I couldn't even remember the time that I reached my apartment. I know that when I woke up I was lightheaded, and my body was heavy. As I sat through class, I could noticeably feel it. I wonder if something happened that made my mind and body so ill at ease?

I guess I really have to figure out what happened last night...

As I took notes on the class lecture, I continued searching for the missing memories of last night.


During my lunch break, I walked into the bathroom. A sudden shock went through my body as I remembered a detail. Maybe it's because my mind wouldn't allow me to recall the startling truth in front of other people. Alone, I gazed into the mirror in front of me, and slowly lowered the collar of my shirt.

...I guess so.

Just above my birthmark, two little punctures, like mosquito bites, were there.

One the way home, he stopped me....S, S, Shion.

"Oh my God! This isn't a dream, right!?"

I was so shocked, I blurted those words in a loud voice, and clasped my mouth shut with my hands.

First, I have to relax, take deep breaths...

After a moment, the memory began to clarify in my mind.

That was what Shion had said to me: You are a sacrifice. For us, we vampires, the most superb sacrifice.

The sound of his voice was reborn deep within my ears. And I was aware of a chill, but not like a cold, with a sudden pain like sharp nails.

Ultimate sacrifice...what could he mean? Thinking it had something to do with vampires is a joke. But it's still a complete mystery.

I remember being bewildered as a warm body surrounded me. And after someone like Shion bit my neck, I passed out. But I got home safely, and even my purse was untouched. I didn't have any problem from last night, so it just makes it even more bizarre.

And I remember last night, in the park, seeing someone like Ren there...


In the afternoon, my body started to get hotter. But, because I just started this job, there's no way I can take off.And I really wanted to ask Ren about what happened last night

It seems like Ren doesn't like me. But...well, I have to build up some courage and ask him.

I guess if I bother him, I'll just quickly walk away. So I thought about what I'd say, and went to my job. I spotted Ren and Akira walking together toward the café. If it was Ren alone, I'd hesitate. But with Akira there beside, I had enough courage to approach them. Maybe it was my footsteps, but Ren turned around to me while I was still far away, snd Akira seemed to know I was coming closer.

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