Chapter 8

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"I will protect you. I've always been your hero since we were kids."

"I guess you were."

Those words seemed burned into my mind, never leaving me.

Akira's POV

The air of the café changed. Without looking I knew that Shion was there. He was talking to Akane, just like usual. I couldn't even remember the order that she brought me from that bastard. All I knew was that, mechanically, I would make something for him and give it to Akane to carry over.

If he's here all the time, it must be to suck her blood.

I wanted to get away from the counter, but another order came in. She might have her blood sucked. Or something dangerous might happen again. I know I may not have the power to do anything, the least I can is to monitor the situation.

He's enjoying talking to her so much, he might try to sweep her away.

This is stupid!

"Ren, I've got supply orders to do, could you watch the counter? Call me if any new orders come in."

"Huh? Sure..."

After calling Ren over, I went back to the desk with the computer, phone, etc. I plucked my cellphone from my pocket and immediately called Cecil.

Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up the phone!

I slammed my heel down on the floor in frustration.


"Please come and do something about that guy."

"That's quite a greeting."

He laughed harshly, and I grimaced.


"Please come quickly and do something...if you don't..."

If you don't, I will.... I stopped myself from saying it, and slammed my cellphone in my fist on the desk in frustration. I knew he had heard that, but kept a cool composure as I lifted the phone back to my ear.

"Please wait a moment. I'm nearby and will see you there soon."

"Since the boss is gone, I may not be able to help with whatever..."

"Do you have time to talk about this so freely? Even as we speak, he could be taking her for his own."

"Then hurry up and come here!"

"As you wish."

While I was talking, Ren didn't call me to the floor. I peeked out, and made sure there were no new customers coming in. I had to just wait until Cecil showed up. I saw Shion conversing with Akane as usual. She looked troubled, but wasn't trying to avoid him. She may just be getting a further order from him. Or else....

Stop talking to him...

"Even as we speak, he could be taking her for his own."

"I've always been your hero since we were kids."

"I guess you were."


Soon after I contacted Cecil, he arrived through the side entrance. He wore a sly smile, and stared at me with a pitying glance.

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