Chapter 6

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After Akira listened to Ren's explanation, he closed his eyes in contemplation. In a subdued tone, he spoke to Ren. "So you drink blood, which is why you're vampires."

"Yeah, we're monsters."

Hearing Ren's dark voice, Akira's face seemed to darken as well.

Akira shook his head. "Don't say that."

"Well, we're not human anymore."

There was nothing Akira could say in response, so his eyes seemed to become saddened. We fell into an uncomfortable silence, and my chest began to ache.

Ren's been taking this hard all along.

Because he had to make distance with the humans around him, this was part of being a vampire. I wanted to ask him about this, but it could be insensitive to go further. As if worrying endlessly, Ren sat on the bench and looked up at the night sky.

Ren spoke wistfully. "My appearance hasn't really changed that much since you knew me in high school, right?"

"I guess, if you say so. I didn't really notice or anything."

"Maybe that's because I became a vampire, I guess...your life becomes longer and your growth slows. Your abilities continue to be at their peak, is what Shion said."

". . ."

Ren looked back at Akira. "It's an unbelievable story, right?"

"Well, I believe you. Before you told me this story I said that I don't think you're the type to lie about this."


"'The ultimate sacrifice' was it...? You said that they have a special effect on vampires? What does that mean in practical terms?"

"If you get injured you recover quickly, and the cells in your body activate. Also, compared to other types of blood, this one has an exquisite taste. So they become a 'sacrifice,' Shion had told me that before."

Akira seemed intrigued. "Ren, you said that Shion made you a vampire, is that just from his bite?"

"Maybe, I can't remember very well."

"But, Akane just had her blood sucked by Shion..."

I nodded. "...yeah."

Akira continued. "As far as I know, she's not a least she doesn't look like it."

Ren shook his head. "'Sacrifices' don't become vampires.'

Akira seemed convinced. "As far as you explained, I guess that's true."

Akira didn't show any sign of anger, but as he looked downward, you could see there was no happiness in what he said. Ren also showed a dark countenance.

"Akane, now you know why Ren always avoided you."


Ren was genuinely contrite. "Sorry for everything."

"No don't worry about it."

His urge to suck blood increases when I approach, so he kept me away. He didn't hate me at all, which put my heart at ease ,but, even though I knew the truth, I couldn't honestly be happy about it.


Ren looked at Akira and then me. "Do you have other questions?"

I had one. "Um...Shion said that 'you don't drink blood'..."

Ren nodded. "That's true, I don't drink any blood. I don't want to become a monster."

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