Final Chapter

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Akira wasn't left with a bad scar or any after effects. He recovered smoothly, and was released from the hospital. We returned to our daily lives. When Akira was in the hospital, I visited him every day.

I think we've caused enough trouble to the café and everyone. We have a lot of favors to return to the café. We've been working more than usual to show our appreciation to them these days.

"Akane, take a coffee and a baked cheesecake to table 3!"

"Got it! Hey, the tea is being brewed now. Can you take this over for me?"

"Leave it to me!"

"Boss, I'm taking this to table 3."

Toda smiled. "Ok, thanks. When you're done you can take a break."


We carried on like this. I finally got a grip on the job, and I'm happy to do it daily...but an element of my anxiety has not disappeared. Either way, there weren't any bad incidents.

As I was going to the break room, I stopped to talk to Akira.

Akira looked happy as usual. "Yeah... Today, after work, do you want to go somewhere together? Tomorrow, we both have the day off."

"Good idea. Let's go somewhere! Then I'll wait for you at the back entrance when it's finished."

"Ok. Later."


After work was finished, I waited for him at the exit like I said. Akira was a little late, but he nodded at me when he came to the door.

"Sorry for making you wait."

"Don't worry about it. Where do you want to go?"

"How about the park near our old place? We used to play there all the time as kids."

"That's so nostalgic. Yeah, it's been a long time. Let's go see it."


It was a park that we used to play at all the time as kids. The walking trails had been renovated, and there were more trees all around. There were more people and more lamps, some are taking a walk, some are playing sports. It was a very active place. I hadn't been there in forever, so I was anticipating going there. Akira walked beside me all the way.

"Well, today was quite busy, huh. I think our café is starting to get very popular with customers."

"I think you're right. It would be ok if it stayed as a kind of 'secret place' too though but a business has to keep its customers."

The chitter-chatter continued as we walked along. Akira looked at me smiling all the time as he was having fun.When I saw him look like that, I felt very at ease and happy. I had a sense of security, as a warm feeling seemed to fill my heart. We both stepped on the bus to where we grew up to go to another park.


It seemed so long ago that I had been here last. "Gosh it's been forever since I've been here."

As soon as we arrived I said this in a loud voice. Many years had passed without me noticing. Akira smirked at me having such a blast. "Don't get so excited, Akane. But it really has been a long time. It kinda fills my mind with memories of those old days."

"Right? There was an old tree we used to climb. And people got angry at us, and we almost cried. And then I couldn't get down, so I did cry in the end."

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