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I decided not to call Derek last night and to deal with this on my own instead. I didn't need to run to him every single time I got my feelings hurt, I need to learn to deal with things on my own.

Also because I knew he would end up taking my dads side and want me to be kept in the dark as much as possible.

"Maize Adams right?" A voice beside me knocks me out of my daze, I turn to meet the guy sitting next to me. A mop of curls a top his head, piercing blue eyes. "Uh yes." I mumble a reply pulling my book closer to me nervously. "Sorry, I'm Adam." He puts his hand out for me to shake, I do. "I didn't mean to startle you." He apologizes pulling his text book out of his bag and placing on top of the desk.

"No you're fine, I was just in my own head." I assure him wondering if I should ask how exactly he knew my name but decided it isn't a big deal. "You're Derek's girl right?" He questions me and I don't know what to say, he hasn't officially asked me out but do werewolves even have to do that when your mates? "No, I'm nobody's anything. I'm just Maize." I tell him huffing slightly and he chuckles at my response giving me a nod in reply.

Class begins and once the teacher tells us we have to pair up for a project Adam turns in my direction "partners?" He asks smiling brightly at me. "Sure!"
I reply and he moves his desk closer to mine. We start talking about which topic we want to do the  presentation on but end up discussing the latest scandal on Twitter today, when we burst out in a fit of giggles we get glares from the entire class including the teacher who warns us to stay on topic.
"I'll see you at lunch?" I tell Adam and he gives me a thumbs up before we go our separate ways.

"You didn't call Maize." I hear his voice growl in my ear pulling me into the stairwell my back pressed against the railing as he hovers over me. "I was worried." He says softer his nose nuzzled into the side of my neck. "I must have forgotten." I tell Derek innocently and his eyes shoot up to meet mine "don't bullshit me Maize." His voice is harsh "what happened?"

The bell rings and everybody rushes to their next class. I try to move from under his grip but he doesn't budge irritating me further. "I need to get to class Derek! It's not a big deal anyways It's not like you would've been on my side anyways. You both just want to keep me in the dark about everything only telling me enough to keep me at bay!" I shout and he looks at me confused. "What the fuck are you on about woman?" He grabs the sides of my face forcing me to look at him before he crashes his lips down against mine and I forget about everything for a moment.

He pulls back the pads of his thumbs rubbing against my cheeks. "You calm enough to make sense now?" He chuckles to himself and I roll my eyes before letting out an aggravated sigh and his face fills with concern. "What happened baby? Talk to me." He urges rubbing his hands up and down the sides of my arms. "What's the point Derek? You'll take my dads side. That's why I didn't call." I admit sitting down on the steps. 

He kneels down in front of me "You silly girl I'm always going to be on your side." He murmurs peppering my face with kisses. "I'm in your corner forever now don't you get that?" My heart swells at his words "now let me hear it."

"He wouldn't tell me anything." I start not looking at him  "he told me that my mom was a hybrid and that my parents where banished from the pack because they had her. He said that my mom never wanted us to come back here but that my dad couldn't go through the pain of losing her alone." My eyes begin to water but I wipe the tears angrily before they get the chance to fall down my face. "But once I started asking questions about the wreck and other things he shut down completely and started yelling at me to drop it. Then he left, I didn't see him this morning either." I pick nervously at the sleeves of the cardigan I wore.

"I'm sorry it didn't go as you planned baby, I wish I knew more about your mom but that was all before my reign as Alpha. I can look into some old files and ask around if you want but I don't want to be going behind your dads back unless it's necessary. Give him some time, maybe he will come around. If he doesn't then I will find out what I can for you love. You have my word." He kisses the palms of my hands melting away the last bit of aggravation I held on to.  I nod reluctantly knowing Derek is a man of his word and promises and I as much as it frustrates me, it's a very attractive quality.

He pulls me up planting a kiss on my temple before kissing me again. "So what's this I hear about you saying you're not my girl?" He quirks and my eyes go wide, my cheeks red. "Yeah I got ears everywhere baby." He growls in my ear throwing his arm around my shoulders waking us down the hallway. "You'll be my girl once I mark you but until then I'll let you think otherwise." He smirks biting at the sensitive skin near my ear. "I'll meet you at lunch." I tell him standing on my tip toes to kiss him he happily obliges deepening the kiss before giving my butt a squeeze and walking down the hall. 

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