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Maizes POV

It's all happening too fast. My mouth is moving before I can think. I feel betrayed, lied to and hurt beyond measure. When I found out my parents were apart of this pack I thought that was the worst of it. No more secrets boy was I wrong. I'm overwhelmed with the new knowledge that part of my mom is inside of me. I should be ecstatic, but I'm turning into a monster in only a few months. Vile burns my throat at the thought, monster. Is there such thing truly? I don't know much about hybrids, I barley know anything about werewolves just what my dad or Derek feels like telling me. I do know werewolves are the furthest thing from monsters. If so I'm in love with one. I shake my head swallowing the guilt that rises literally in my throat, Derek is no monster.

I'm filled with anger again, my dad lied straight to my face for months. He wanted to keep me in the dark about everything. Both my parents lied to me my entire life. Their was always something off about me and they never once told me, even when I asked. Then the fear of all this takes over. I'm going to be a hybrid.

The shock takes over my body and before I can control my tongue I'm shouting. "I hate you!" I scream tears still spilling from my eyes. I've cried too much today. My dad flinches from my words and part of my twisted soul is happy. "You lied to me my entire life!" I seethe "I hate you! I hate you and mo-" a hand is clasped over my mouth stopping me from finishing my proclaims of betrayal and I know it's Derek's as soon as his arm wraps around my waist pulling me back to his chest. "shhhh baby shhhhhh" he says in my ear, I kick against him but he isn't fazed and continues to drag me from the room.

He finally releases me when we are in the hallway and I'm furious. "Why did you do that!" I shout at him "He deserved everything I was saying." I cry, the ache in my chest won't leave and it's driving me crazy. "You don't mean it, you're hurt and scared." Derek says calmly only spiking my anger. I walk to the balcony gripping the railing so hard my knuckles turn white.. It's pouring rain but I don't mind it cools me off slightly. "Talk to me baby, what can I do?" he pleads from behind me trying to pull me to him but I shove him off. My fist flying against his chest. I'm angry and hurt, he is right. But I don't know how to make it stop.

"I don't want this!" I scream screwing my eyes shut. Trying to escape from this nightmare the pain won't go away. It begins thundering and my hair is dripping in my face. "I don't want to be this! i don't want to be here! I don't want this life! it hurts Derek!" I'm slowly breaking down and I need to compose myself before I lose myself fully. He grabs my fist within his one hand stopping me from hitting him more then pulls me by the back of my neck to face him. "Okay baby tell me what you want to do. what can I do? We will leave right now if that's what you want, you just tell me. Anything." Derek swears desperation is his voice and eyes and I know he means every word.

"I want to go to college. I want to graduate. I want a job, Marriage, a family. I want normality." I gasp for air my tears slowing as I look at my hands in Derek's. "I don't want supernatural, I want to go back to my childhood were it was all fake, just a fairytale." I admit not fully meaning my words knowing what they mean. Derek's face is suddenly full of panic "You mean me? you don't want me?" he questions bending his knees so he's at eye level. "is that what you mean baby? I'll leave I swear I will if that's what will make you happy." he says cupping my face as his eyes gloss over. I shake my head covering his hands with mine. "No no no" I quickly say. "I didn't mean that." I shake my head again closing my eyes guilty, I shouldn't have said what I did. "I love you." I say making sure he knows, i place my hand over his heart. "Come here," he says finally pulling me into him. "I'm sorry this is happening." he says softly kissing my head as the rain pours down on us. "I wish I could take it all away, the pain and the betrayal everything. I would take it all." he shakes his head sadly he then pulls me back looking directly in my eyes, "You want a babies and marriage? I'll give it to you. You know this. You want to go to college baby? I'll stay up late with you studying for stupids ass exams. You want a shit part time job? well." he grins playfully making me laugh but his eyes still hold so much passion I have to look away. "You deserve the whole world my love and I intend on giving it to you."

Derek's POV

I finally convince Maize to come inside and dry off she's sitting on the bed wrapped in a towel. "Let me distract you." I lowly say grabbing her by the small of her back pushing her against my chest as my other free hand slips in the front of he jeans. She doesn't say anything but nods her eyes shutting in pleasure as I dip my finger inside of her. "Always so ready for me baby," I huskily growl in here ear making her body shake with just my words.

"Oh god-" she starts loudly, louder than I thought making my head whip around to the door. Shut. good. I remove my finger from her causing a whimper to fill the room, her grabbing back my hand by my wrist. "patience kitten." I taunt her slowly climbing out of my jeans and she hastily rips hers down her legs. "Kiss me." I plead pathetically missing her lips. it's been too long already. she gets to her knees pulling off her shirt, her nude perfection will never get old to me. she's absolutely stunning, my beautiful girl. My lips are pressed against hers swiftly, her hands tugging at the ends of my hair as her tongue laps with mine. "I love you." I moan making a smile break out on her face. "Don't go coming on me" she teases grabbing my cock in her hands. "Now are you going to fuck me or am I going to have to please my self?" my eyes widen at my pretty girls dirty mouth. I love it.

I pin her down her hands held over her head as I make my assault up her chest. I slid into her with ease as she gasps her hands wiggling from my grasp to wrap around my shoulders. "You feeling so good" I pause "so fucking good baby." She's my entire world, she's all I got. She's it for me. She will simply be the death of me I think to myself. "Derek" she moans her head flinging back as she begins to tighten around me. "I'm close." she tells me making me pick up pace. She's screaming my name louder with every thrust. "Fuck" I hiss as her legs tighten around my waist and her teeth sink into my neck to stop her from waking the entire city up. We both release and her chest is rising too fast for my liking. "Come back to me." I whisper in her ear calming her down from her high.

"I love you." she murmurs her hands tracing up my arms and back. "Thank you." she then says making me kiss her again, I can never go to long without. She rolls us over making her on top as she pulls back. my hands run down her back in awe her tits right in my face. "You're fucking beautiful." I state making her giggle "come here" I pull her down kissing her again I will never get enough of her. I will always want more. Forever. I want forever with her.

"Marry me?" I blurt making her gasp looking down at me with wide eyes. "What?" she stutters her hands pressed against my chest. "what did you say?" she's in pure shock and it's the cutest fucking sight. "Marry me." I say again casually knowing I mean it, I want forever with her by my side. "Derek are you-" she shakes her head causing me to panic for a moment. "Are you being serious or is this your we just fucked mind?" I hate how she says that. I sit up pulling her with me. "This is me asking you to spend the rest of our life together." I can't decide if I want to say what I'm thinking next but I do before I can stop myself. I'm putting my entire being out there so if she rejects me I don't know if I'll recover. "You're it for me Maiz, you're my saving grace and my unforgivable sin. You're my life my entire world. Marry me." I can't stop myself from talking I just keep going.

She's crying again and I want to punch myself in the face for causing her to. "I'm sorry baby," I begin kissing her shoulders trying to stop the tears. She pulls my chin up making me look her in the eyes as she begins to nod. "What?" I gasp and she smiles a big bright wide smile her tears still falling. "I'll marry you, yes." she kisses me and I can taste her tears. "yes yes yes yes." she repeats beaming and I can't help but look at her like a love struck fool because I fucking am.

"You'll marry me!" I yell loosing all dignity for myself, let's be honest I lost it all the second I met her. She nods smiling I jump out of bed spinning her around making squeals and laughs erupt in the room. "you'll marry me." I say softly my forehead pressed to hers. "I'll marry you." she repeats.

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