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"Do I get to see you today?" Derek's asks over the phone as I shuffle around my room cleaning various things as I set him down on my dresser putting him on speaker. "I don't know if you're lucky maybe." I tease and he lets out a groan and then I hear several louder voices over the line and Derek yelling for them to leave and that he will be out in a second, "sorry about that. They are all a bit wound up today." He apologizes and I hear the humor in his voice.

"I can let you go." I tell him grabbing my phone and taking it off speaker pressing it to my ear. "No baby I want to talk to you." I hear the pack knocking and shouting his name again and I chuckle when he lets out a frustrated 'fucking hell' "okay yeah I may have to let you go. But I do want to see you tonight." I grin to myself "bye Maize." He coos over the phone before hanging up.

I finish cleaning my room and then head downstairs to grab a snack when I get a text from Adam.

I'm here. Brought some snacks to make the project a bit more enjoyable. Lol. The text reads. I respond back to come on up the door is unlocked and put my snack back into the pantry before walking to greet him at the door.

"Happy Saturday Maize." He gives me hug before I lead him further into the house "we can work in here." I tell him as he plops down on the sofa. "Let me just go run and grab my laptop." I run up the stairs searching for the laptop I swear that I just put on my desk but I can't find it.

I finally find it under my bed and grab it before I walk back down the stairs to see Adam holding my phone in his hand. "Derek called." He tells me handing me the phone "what did he say?" I ask him and he shrugs "he didn't have much to say once I answered. He just ask me who I was and then hung up."

My hand flew to my forehead "oh great." I groan plopping down on the couch. I shoot Derek a quick text 'working on history project with a friend all afternoon but will be free tonight. :) Sorry I missed your call had to find my laptop.'

I don't receive any reply back leaving me staring at my screen for another 10 minutes before I toss the phone on the coffee table. "He will be fine let's get working." I tell Adam grabbing one of the snacks from the pile he made.

After an hour or so of typing up slide after slide my eyes hurt and quite frankly i was tired of reading about the civil war.  "Let's take a break yeah?" Adam asks and I nod throwing my text book and laptop to the side, grabbing the remote and switching on the tv.

Suddenly there is a pound at the door, "Maize!" I hear Derek growl I get up going to open the door. "Open this  goddamn door Maize!" He shouts his fist slamming against the door again making me jump.

"Will you cut it out." I yell at him when I finally get the door opened he pushes past me his face  reminding me of the night in New Orleans, when he was so frantic and livid. His eyes glow red when they spot Adam on the couch and I jump in front of him my hands pressing against his chest "get the fuck out!" He fumes

"Derek stop it." I glare at him trying my best to shove him backwards "if you would've read my text you would know he is just a friend!" I shout at him hitting his chest again hoping to knock him at of his angry state, he finally glances down at me befor  gripping both my wrist in his one large hand stopping me from pushing him back again. "Let go." I grit trying to wiggle from his grip but he doesn't budge as he keeps starting at me. "Tell him to leave." He demands his eyes never leaving mine. I don't say anything but I know Derek won't let me talk any sense to him until he is calm down and he won't calm down until Adam is gone. "Tell him to leave." He repeats his eyes hooded with rage  "or ill throw him out my goddamn self." He warns coldly and I know he means every word.

"Adam go, I'm-I'm sorry I'll text you later." I stutter and Derek's eyes blaze "she won't be texting you i can promise that." He says his eyes shooting to Adam as he collects his things before going to walk past us. "Maize are you sure you'll be okay left with him?" He asks me making me close my eyes i know Derek would never do anything to me, but I can't say the same for Adam. I feel Derek's anger radiating from him. "Are you fucking serious?" Derek let's go of my wrist to grip Adams neck making a shriek leave my lips. "Stop Derek." I tell him calmly my hand wrapping around his arm to pull him to me. "Let him go baby." I beg hoping the pet name calms him some. "please." 

Reluctantly he lets him go shoving him towards the door. Adam glances at me for a second "I'll be fine." I mouth to him hoping he leaves for his own sake. Adam walks out Derek slamming the door behind him and I swear it should've shattered.

"What the hell was that Maize?" He shouts at me and I look at him complete speechless. "You have nothing to say?" I swear i never met a more frustrating man in my entire life. I can't even begin to put the words together that I want to say to him.

"I should be asking you the same thing Derek!" I finally scream after minutes of silence "He is my friend! That's it!" I hit my fist against his chest again. "You storm into my hotel room without any explanation and I let it go! But this I can't look past, if this is what it means to be mated to a werewolf." I stop shaking my head bad backing away from him. "I can't-I won't do it."

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