★I'm glad we're on the same page★

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★Emerald POV★

My first three classes were okay. I made excellent grades, but if I had it my way I would never be in school. It was lunch time and the cafeteria was just like any other school. You had your jocks in one area, your goths, your nerds, your loners, of course the stoners were at a table filled with food (that was my crew... gosh, I missed my friends) and lastly sitting smack dead in the center was the popular kids. Of course Ivy was sitting there as all the others catered to her every need.

I walked to a table where Amy and Mercedes was sitting. I haven't seen them all day. I sat my bag down and head to the line to grab some food. I spotted Blake. We had separated after music class. She went to her locker to change books while I headed directly to the cafe. I walked over to her and surprisingly, she greeted me with a hug. "Long time no see," she said as we glanced over the food. I laughed because we just saw each other not even three minutes ago. It's funny because our schedule was identical. It was like the school gods destined us to be long time friends.

"So what you eat... I'm guessing the chicken?" I asked as she eyed a piece of chicken like it was her last supper or something. She sighed and shook her head no as she picked up a tofu salad. I looked at her like she was crazy when she put that thing on her plate. It looked like someone spread grass on a plate and threw spoiled chicken on top of it.

"Why you staring at me like that?" She asked as I picked up the biggest slice of sausage pizza. "That crap on your plate that you didn't even want?" I replied as we moved up towards the cash register. She sighed, "I have to eat this crap as you put it, because Ivy has us all on this strict diet."

I rolled my eyes at the mention of her name. "I swear I'm so tired of hearing that girl name...it's like the whole school's her puppets or something?" I said as we waited for the group in front of us to pay. "I've known Ivy all my life and she honestly isn't that bad of a person once you really get to know her." I rolled my eyes at her statement as I reached in my pocket to pay for our lunch, "if you say so, I've only known her for a day and a half and she is already a pain and by far the biggest bitch I know... I don't like her!!" I grabbed my change as she began to reply, "that's so not..." she was cut off.

"Glad to see I'm on your mind. P.S. I Don't like you either." I turned around to find Ivy standing there and judging by the way she and her clones were looking at me I'm assuming they heard what I said. I shook my head at them before saying, "I'm glad we're on the same page" as I walked toward my table but not before turning and say bye to Blake.

★Ivy POV★

It was lunch time and as usual, I was sitting at my table. Everyone was present except Blake she was in line grabbing some lunch. Blake was the type of girl who could eat some much and never gain weight. Unfortunately for her the rest of my cheer squad wasn't so lucky, so naturally I put them all on diets.

You know she's going to come back to the table with the biggest piece of chicken over, Kacy said as she bit into her banana. Ugh, I mentally sighed because we both knew she was right. I could never control Blake she always saw through my bullshit, I mean she wasn't my best for nothing. Of course I had to act like she didn't get special treatment, "she better not or I'll throw it away" I said with a matter of fact tone.

O. M. G. why is she talking to her, Katie said as I turned and followed her eyes. I immediately grew angry Blake was my best friend and she knew I didn't like that Emerald chick. Especially since she is blackmailing me and Blake knows what she is doing. They were giggly and kiki-ing with each other like they've known each other forever.

All I've heard all day was how my best friend was all buddy-buddy with Emerald and it pissed me off. I know I told her to show her around but that was all I meant. Take her to y'all class and sit as far from her as possible. But of course Blake had to go over board and actually be her nice and friendly to her. So I was beyond mad.

I stormed over to them pushing any and everyone out my way. I stood there about to say something when Emerald said "if you say so, I've only known her for a day and a half and she is already a pain and by far the biggest bitch, I know... I don't like her!!" I watch as she grabbed her change and as Blake was about to reply but I cut her off.

"Glad to see I'm on your mind. P.S. I Don't like you either." I said as I watched her shake her head before saying, "I'm glad we're on the same page!" She bumped passes me and turned to say bye to Blake.

Anger and raged filled me as I felt my face grow red. I was more angry at myself for thinking we actually had a moment today in the car. I had half the mind to go snatch my sweater of her, but then I remember her sexy body and how I didn't want anybody looking at her. God, what the hell am I thinking.

I blew out a long breath as the girls immediately stepped back knowing exactly what was about to happen. "Ivy.. Um, calm um down!" Blake stuttered and began biting her nails which is a nasty habit she does when she is scared or nervous. I tried for dear life to breath in and out because I knew if I blew up at her, she would be mad for the rest of the week and like me Blake was stubborn and could hold a grudge forever; but this time I couldn't hold back.

Oh boy what's gonna happen next and if you don't know what kiki-ing is its when you get together with you day ones, your homies, your right hand✋✌✊, your shottah , your ride-or-die or wat ever you call your bestie and start gossiping, chatting about shallow things, being silly, and throwing shade at any and everything.

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