☆Walk Away☆

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Emerald's POV

I swear I could be so stupid. I seriously thought she was changing but nope. As soon as someone turns against her or says something she doesn't like she turns into a little D.I.V.A. but I should be happy she was defending me but I'm not. I hate bullies and eventhough she claims it's apart of her reputation I can tell she likes it; besides if she didn't like it she has enough power to change Madison Prep.

After that humiliating display of power Ivy put on in the cafeteria I found myself walking the halls waiting for the bell to ring. Ten minutes passed and I found myself heading back towards my locker. I grabbed my books for my last two classes of the day; which both happened to be with Ivy. "Hey," I heard from behind. I immediately rolled my eyes as I recognized the voice to be Ivy's. I simply closed my locker and brushed passed her as I headed towards our Web design class.
I heard her sigh as she followed behind me. I was about to enter the class when I was grabbed by the arm and yanked into the bathroom. "Out! Now," Ivy yelled as the girls sprinted out the bathroom. I watched as she checked the stalls. "Look Ivy, the bell is gonna ring in a few and I'd like to get to class," I said as I placed my arms across my chest.

She sighed before mimicking my posture, "Look Em, I'm sorry but you have to understand were I was coming from... It's hard being "the Ivy Wright," every single student is expecting me to rule with an iron fist. She deserved to be put in her place" Ivy said as she walked towards me. I looked into her eyes and I could see how conflicted and torn she was over what she "thought" she had to do and as much as I wanted to just pull her into a hug and tell her it was going to be okay and I understand but I couldn't. So I simply shrugged my shoulders and replied, "you always have a choice Ivy and today you made it perfectly clear to me what side your loyal too besides why does "the Ivy Wright" care what someone like me thinks." After I spoke I was met with silence eventually I turned around as was about to walk away when she spook.

"Seriously, Emerald there are rules and regulations when your queen of Madison Prep, everyday someone's coming for my throne, someone is trying to prove I'm weak and undeserving. For crying out loud I'm a sophomore and I have power over juniors and seniors I have to be tough, ruthless, mean and heartless yet the more time I spend with you the less I care about any of this. I'm not "the poison Ivy" everyone thinks I am and im not "the ivy Wright," everyone wants me to be....with you I'm just Ivy and I like that. That's why I'm here explaining myself to you, Em. Just give me a chance to prove myself to you. Just give me a chance to show you the real me," she said as she grabbed my hands. I swear my heart was saying to say okay I forgive you, but my brain was telling me the complete opposite. Needless to say, I chose to listen to my brain as I pulled away from Ivy and walked out the bathroom just as the warning bell was ringing.

I took my seat in the back corner of the classroom. I was the first one to enter class and I was so done with school and all things Madison Prep. I sat quietly in the back as numerous of kids piled into the classroom. I watched the door in hopes of catching a glimpse of the Blonde hair, blue eyed girl that has haunted my thoughts since I moved here but she never appeared. The final bell rang and there was still no sign of Ivy.

Mr. Fitz began lecturing about different formats and soon I found myself tuning him out until I heard, " Ahh Miss Livingston, Miss Wright nice of you to join us. Mind telling me why you were late to my class," he asked as I stared at Ivy. Her eyes were red and although she attempted to cover it up I could tell she had been crying and I immediately felt guilt build up inside me.

Ivy's POV

The whole time we were in the bathroom Blake's words kept replaying over and over in my head: Talk to her about it, tell her your feelings, she makes you happy! So I did something I never do. I opened up to her, I told her how I felt when I was around her and what do I get in return? A big fat slap to the face! So I stood there and watch her walk out the bathroom and possibly out of my messed up life for good.

I had been standing there for so long that I hadn't even notice the tears following down my face until one fell on my phone screen as I hurriedly called the one person I desperately needed right now.
MyRideOrDie👭💕😼 I clicked on her contact name and she immediately answered.

(Bold=Ivy/ italics=Blake)
Hey Ivy wassup chica
I need you now
Hey what's the matter...why are you crying...where are you?
Second floor, bathroom and I rather tell you in person
Okay sweetie I'm on my way.

She hung up the phone and I sat down and buried my head in my lap as the tears just kept fallen. "Oh my gosh, Ivy what's the matter sweetie," Blake asked as she wrapped her arms around me. I struggled to reply, "sss..she she le..left me, she didn't even care that I am trying," I manged to say through tears. "Oh Ivy, im so sorry, I'm sure she will come around just give her time." I stood up as anger surged through my body, "no Blake, she won't, I'm done trying if she thinks I'm a bitch than forget it, I'll show her a bitch. I practically begged her to stay, I freaking opened up to her. I told her how I felt about our so-called friendship and she just walked away, like I meant nothing to her. Screw it, I'm through with all things Emerald Greene." I said as I roughly wiped tears of my face. "Ivy your really upset right now...just don't do anything that you'll regret," Blake said as she pulled me into a hug.

I immediately relaxed in her arms, "I'll try but maybe I just need some time away from all things Emerald," I said as I grabbed a napkin to wipe my face. After fixing my make up Blake and I decided to head to class. We walked into class and Mr. Fitz being the dick he is decided to speak, " Ahh Miss Livingston, Miss Wright nice of you to join us. Mind telling me why you were late to my class," he asked. I rolled my eyes before putting my bitch face on, "Nope, not really but you can continue your boring lecture," I replied as Blake and I took our seat in the back of the classroom. Mr. Fitz was beyond angry but he didn't voice it, instead he continued his lecture. During the entire class I could feel her eyes on me but I refused to acknowledge her presence. I was hell bent on staying away from her no matter how hard it would be, I wasn't gonna cave.

Well at least that what I thought, until Mr. Fitz decided to open his big mouth. "Okay class you'll have a group project and yes I'm assigning partners, for this project your are to create and design a Web page about your partner. The Web page can be about anything as long as it relates to your partner. Now when I call your name come get your group package and remember this will be worth 65% of your grade!

Adam's and Morgan
Benson and Livingston
Mitchell and Hall
Cabello and Hansen
Bailey and Sheppard
Kelly and Seinfeld
Lovato and Grande
Swift and Gomez
Greene and Wright

Seriously, was all I thought as I watched Emerald groan as she grabbed two rubrics from Mr. Fitz. "Now the first outline is due in two weeks, so spend the rest of class getting to know your partner better," Mr. Fitz said as Emerald took the seat next to me.

-----------------------------------------------------------it's 4:15 in the morning so forgive the grammar or any other mistakes. I felt like I owed you guys and update it's been a while. Hope you enjoy. Love your feedback. Thanks for the Comments and Votes🤗😚😉

Fifth Harmony new song 🎵Write On Me🎵 has literally been on repeat this entire time💃💃💃. If you haven't heard it you should definitely check it out. I love it. Lauren's voice is like...ughh it's just to much 😏😏😏

-Layla 😚😘

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