☆The Next Day☆

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So I decided to update early 🤗🤗 hope you enjoy 😘

Emerald's POV

After Ivy kissed me and then practically rejected me I found myself becoming well-acquainted with a bottle or two of 1800. The last thing I remember was doing body shots and being yanked off the table and into a car by a furious looking Ivy.

"Ugh, my fucking head is killing me," I said as I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it as I had no idea where the hell I was. I was literally laying on a bathroom floor and I swear my head was pounding like a sledgehammer. Oh, wait no that's somebody actually knocking, no banging on the door. I stumbled towards the door, "WHAT," I yelled as I yanked opened the door. "Miss you have to leave we are closed and we took the liberty of calling you a cab," the lady said in front of me. Wait, how the hell did I end up in a public restroom and where the hell am I, I thought as I stepped out the restroom. How the hell did I end up in a fucking Five Guy's, I thought as I left the fast food place and hopped in the taxi that pulled up. I gave the driver my address as I rested my head on the window. I pulled out my phone and my screen read.
(Random note: this actually happened to a friend of mines😂😂😂)

25 missed call
20 missed message

I unlocked my phone and noticed majority of the calls were from Ivy, Blake, Amy and Mercedes but what really stuck out was the one messages from my Aunt.

👱Amelia Badelia👪
Emerald Faith Greene your ass is dead...D.E.A.D when you get back here 😠

I sighed as I decided to ignore my aunts text and deal with her later.

Em, you need to answer your fucking phone...where the hell are you?? Oh and my mom is fucking furious...get home Now...love ya 😚

Gosh, they are acting like im dead. I skipped through the other and stopped at the messages from Blake and Mercedes

Gurl your family is going cray cray...you betta get here asap.

Emmy call me asap
Ivy is freaking out...she is going to kill you when you get home

I guess I saved the best for last, I thought as I began to read my numerous messages from Ivy.

Emerald Faith Greene WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??? 😡😠

Seriously, answer your phone Im getting scared.😟

Okay I'm calling your aunt

I'm sorry okay just let me know your okay😔

This is not funny anymore... call me please😢

I was about to click on her contact name when I noticed it was 3:30 in the morning. Jesus, I don't recall anything from the past couple hours. It had to be like 12 when Ivy and I were talking. I took out my wallet and paid the taxi driver as I stumbled towards my house. As soon as I was about to put my key into the door it was yanked opened and there stood a furious looking Amy and my Aunt Amelia. My aunt Amelia immediately grabbed my ear and dragged me to the living room.

"Ouch ouch ouch, auntie let go off my ear please," I whined as she forced me to sit on the couch. "Don't you auntie me. Where the hell have you been and you smell like straight alcohol are you up to your old ways again," she asked as she eyed me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes at her. Lucky for me I was sobering up and I remembered how I ended up at five Guy's at 3 in the morning. "I'm waiting for your explanation, missy" I sighed before replying, "Look, I went to a party, yes I got a little drunk, and then I got hungry....so when Ivy put me in a taxi I told the driver to drop me off at the nearest burger place, which just happened to be Five Guy's. I ate and since I was so drunk I threw up and passed out and woke up to a worker banging on the door. She called me a taxi and I headed home. I'm sorry but I didn't reply or answer because I couldn't. It was a one time thing and I'm sorry. Now can I please go shower I feel all gross," I said as I ran my hands through my hair.

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