⭐️make it or break it⭐️

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Cassidy H
We need to talk NOW!! Meet me at the spot @5!! Don't be late

I quickly glanced at the clock and realized I had no more than twenty minutes to get there. I started up the car and took off, praying to God that this wasn't about what I think it's about.

Ivy's POV

I stepped out of the car and glanced at my watch; 5:15. Fuck, I thought as I walked up the gravel pavement towards the entrance. I glanced at the familiar surroundings and jumped when I heard, 'Ivy Wright, glad you could finally join us.' 'Sorry, Cassidy My phone was off....wait what do you mean us,' I said as I recalled what she said. She smiled the devilish smile of hers as she motioned for me to follow. 'Oh, you'll see soon enough', she said as she continued to lead the way.

'This is an outrage!'
'Maybe we should have stuck with tradition!'
'We have a reputation to uphold and I'll be damned if we let all our hard work fail because you didn't make the right choice!'
'I told you guys she wasn't ready but no one listens to Cassidy, even though I was clearly right and you were wrong, but maybe it would be better if we heard the story from Ivy herself,' she said as she motioned towards me.

Silence, immediately filled the room as all eyes fell to me. I chuckled nervously as I scanned the room. Now, remember when I told you I was chosen to run the school; will right before me sat the 8 most popular students of the past 8 years graduating class, most commonly referred to as the elite eight. Your probably wondering why they haven't moved on with their lives but just like all those stories say, "high school was their glory days and this here allowed them to separate themselves form their mediocre lives." Even if it was just for a few hours.

Needless to say I still stood there stunned as I looked around the room. I opened my mouth to plea my case but nothing; it was like the words were stuck. My mind was screaming, 'say something, anything! Tell them its all a big misunderstanding. Tell them it was a joke, a part of this big elaborate plan.'

'What the hell is wrong with her,' Micah whispers to Ashton. 'I think we broke her,' Liliana says. Finally snapping out of whatever clouded haze I was in I spoke. 'What the hell is all of this about,' I asked as I motioned towards the room. I figured the best way to play this is to see how much they actually know before I make my case. Of course it was Cassidy who spoke first, 'Don't play stupid Ivy! You know exactly what this meeting is about. You've been turning our school into a laughing stock. We're gonna make this quick and easy for you. All you need to do is tell us three things. First is: Who is this Emerald Greene? Second question: Is she more important than your reputation? And Third: How do we end her? When we're done with her she will be nothing but a blemish on our radar.'

I guess they knew enough, based on her questions. I sighed as I stood there contemplating my options. It would be easy to hand Emerald over to them and let the elite eight handle her for me, but could I truly do that? I've seen this group in action and trust me when they set out to ruin you, they do just that. As, I looked back on this school year, I thought back to all the good times Emerald and I had but I couldn't overlook all the bad times as will; and there were a lot of bad times. And it could have been because the biggest and freshest wound happened to be bad; that I made the decision that I did. But I soon found myself saying, 'Emerald Greene is.....'

Emeralds POV

As I hit the last note all the adrenaline I was feeling evaporated into thin end as I watched Ivy tear stained face run out the auditorium. 'Ladies and Gentleman, give it up for Emerald Greene with her original song 'Shout Out to my Ex,' Mr. Payne said as he helped guide me off the stage. I couldn't truly enjoy the hoots and hollers of the crowd because part of me knew majority of the praise was because I just dissed Miss Poison Ivy herself. It wasn't until after the last performer finished and the bell rang did I allow myself to look back at the seat Ivy once sat in. She had yet to return to the auditorium and that genuinely worried me.

I grabbed my items and headed towards the one place I could assume she went. I made my way to the bathroom: our bathroom, the one we had one of our first arguments at. I prayed she was there. I just needed to explain myself and hopefully she would understand. Deep down I knew this was a far fetched idea. I burst through the bathroom door and was meet by to faces of pure disgust. Lacy and Blake both looked at me like we were back to the first day off school when I pulled Ivy away from them. I awkwardly stood there contemplating what to say to them. 'Look guys, let me explain before you guys vote me off the island,' I said as I stepped further into the restroom. I glanced around to see if I could catch a glimpse of Ivy. 'She's not here,' I heard Blake say as she rolled her eyes at me. 'She ran off, hopped in her car, and turned of her phone after you humiliated her in front of our entire class without so much of a fucking warning,' she stated as she crossed her arms over her chest. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair as I began to plead my case. 'Look, I know what I did was wrong but you have to realize I was just upset and I didn't even think about how this would hurt Ivy. I just needed to get it out,' I said. Blake sucked her teeth, 'You needed to vent, is your explanation for this. You couldn't just call Ivy up and be like, 'hey, babe we really need to talk! Its serious' not broadcast your break up to the entire school. Can you honestly, tell me you didn't think at all that, doing it this way would hurt not only her but her reputation too.' she said as she stared me down. I sighed and opened my mouth to respond but truly deep down I did know this would not only hurt Ivy but it would also put a dagger in her Queen B persona too.

'Look, Emerald I'm not gonna judge you for what you did because we both know it wasn't right. We also, both know you love that girl and the song we worked on originally is what you should have sung today. I also, don't know what made you change your mind and sing that, but nobody else is gonna be able to fix it but you. So the questions is are you gonna fix it, or leave it as is, and move on,' Lacy asked as she patted my shoulder and headed out the bathroom. I watched her leave, 'and then there were two,' I jokingly said trying to desperately relieve some of the tension in the room. Blake again rolled her eyes at my lame joke. "Look, Em you and I both know Ivy may have made some mistakes but she always came to you to rectify them. Your the runner in this relationship and pretty soon, if it hasn't already happened she is going to stop chasing you. So you really need to ask yourself some serious questions. Now, if you will excuse me I have to go find my best friend,' Blake said as she walked out. 'And then there was one,' I said to no one in particular.

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