☆The Next Day- Part III☆

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I love that you guys are loving this story so much and since I got so many comments and votes I decided to give you another update today. Oh and this chapter is going be alot longer just because #Emvy gets to know each other a lot better and you can't have a future without knowing ones past (hint hint 😏😏)
So enjoy my lovely people 🤗😘

Emerald's POV

I stopped Ivy from leaving because I wanted to talk to her. "Look Vy, I just wanted to say I'm proud of you for apologizing to the waitress back there I know that was hard for you but I'm glad you did it. It takes alot to admit when your wrong, but you did and I'm happy because it shows that you took our previous conversation seriously.

And I'm sorry for getting mad at you, it's just I don't get it. I don't get whats going on between us and I don't know if it's some game your playing or if you really feel some type of way towards me but I can't keep doing this.

Like one minute you say you want to be friends than you do things like kiss me or hold my hand or hug me...and don't get me wrong I enjoy it but if we are just friends you can't keep getting jealous of everyone that attempts to flirt with me nor can you keep leading me on. I meant what I said the other day, I'm not going to pressure you into something your not ready for and I'll still be here for your if a friendship is all you want from me but you can't have both a friendship and a "hidden" relationship with me behind doors.

I was mad earlier because I'm out and proud and I'm not going back in the closet for anyone, even if I like them and for some odd reason I seem to like you alot. I like every inch of you and I know your confused and I don't want to be led on just for you to drop me when you realize I'm not what you want or your status is more important."

I said as I nervously rubbed my neck. She smiled a fake smile and I knew it was fake because it didn't reach her eyes like it normally does when she's around me. "Damn, your breaking up with me already," she said as she playfully rolled her eyes. I chuckled before holding my heart and saying, "No never, you can't get rid of me that easy Miss Wright."

She laughed before speaking, "no, but seriously Em, I understand you 100% it's just when I see someone else looking at you or flirting with you I just can't stop myself from getting jealous and wanting to rip their head off...but honestly I think I like you and I'm just really confused and scared about these new feelings and I can't seem to control myself when I'm around you. I just subconsciously find myself reaching for your hand or wanting to hug you. Hell you've even manged to get me to things I've never thought I would do. Emerald Greene your turning me into a big softy but I like that.

So I can't promise I'll stop completely but I'll try and I'm glad you understand. I'm not 100% sure what I am doing because this is all new. I've never kissed a girl. Hell, I've never even been attracted to girl but with you everything is different. Your right, I shouldn't be leading you and for that I'm sorry. So until I can sort out my head, I will try to keep things between us PG-13" she said as she looked at me. I smiled before saying, that's all I can ask for now. Let's head inside before Blake gets any ideas." She laughed and we headed inside.

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