☆Not Ready☆

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Emerald's POV

We walked towards Ivy's car in complete silence. Ivy immediately hopped in the driver's seat and buckled up before asking, 'Where to?'  "The nearest bar or liquor  store would be great" was my sarcastic reply.  Ivy sighed before saying, 'You and I both know I'm not taking you there' It was my turn to sigh, 'then why ask,' I said as I rolled my eyes at her. Ivy didn't respond instead she shook her head as she started the car and began to drive.

We drove in awkward silence before the weather decided to reflect my current mood. Slowly but surely it began to rain. Of course this did nothing for my current state because all it did was remind me of the numerous amount of times my mother and I would play in the rain. She loved the rain. She said it was relaxing, calming, even therapeutic. For some reason I found myself breaking the awkward silence that consumed us, 'did I ever tell you how much my mom loved the rain,' I said as Ivy pulled into my driveway. She turn off the engine before turning to me and saying, 'No, but I would love to hear about it.' I fiddled with my fingers as I debated on finally letting someone completely in.

Talking about my mom was hard as it always brought back memories of all the good times we had and it reminded me of how I would never be able to make new memories with her. I looked over at Ivy and she gave me a small reassuring smile as the rain drops created a beautiful soundtrack in the background. I sighed, 'It was our tradition, no matter if it was a small drizzle or a huge storm. My mom would always wake me up. We would throw on our rain boots and raincoats and run outside. We would play in the rain for hours, jumping in puddles, making rain angel's, and just enjoying the refreshing smell of a rain storm. It became our thing something that was just ours.' I said as tears streamed down my face. I chuckled before continuing, 'oh God, my dad hated it. He said the rain was depressing and always killed the mood but she was different she would always say: 'ladybug don't listen to old grumpy pants because everybody knows very well that it takes a little rain to make the flowers grow. When things get a little rough in life, remember that just like a beautiful rainstorm "this too shall pass" Besides you don't get rainbows unless you also have rain.'' I smiled at the memory and before I knew it I was being dragged outside the car and into the rain.

'I know I'm not your mom and I'm sure she was a wonderful woman but maybe you should keep the tradition alive,' Ivy said as we stood in the rain. I smiled at her and planted a soft kiss on her lips before saying, 'I appreciate the offer but I'm not ready to do something that was once ours yet but talking about it actually made me fill a little better.' She sent me a reassuring smile as we finally made our way into the house. We headed to my room as I grabbed some towels to dry off. I grabbed some boxers, sweats, and a t-shirt and handed it to Ivy, 'you can change into this,' I said as she left the room to change.

After showering and changing I found myself plopped up on my bed flipping through my 'Pandora box' as the tears began to fall. Soon Ivy joined me and she immediately wrapped me into a hug.

Ivy's POV

It took me about thirty minutes to shower and get dressed. After I finished my normal hygiene routine I headed back to Emeralds room. I entered her room and the sight before me broke my heart. She was sobbing as she looked at pictures from a Pandora box. I immediately climbed in bed and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me as she buried her head into my chest. Her tears soaked my shirt as she desperately clung to me. I rubbed her back as I whispered reassuring words. After about what felt like twenty minutes her sobs stopped and I figured she cried herself to sleep.

As I was about to clear of the bed she spoke, 'how could he move on so fast? I mean it just doesn't make sense. They were married for nearly 20 years and before that they were high school sweethearts. You don't just get over losing the love of your life, your child's mother that fast. I don't know how he did it and I can tell he really likes her. The way he talked about her was like he maybe even loved her,' Emerald said as she sat up and stared at me. 

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