⭐️Wowza ⭐️

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Ivy's POV

Excitement cursed through my body as I watched Emerald take the stage. I could tell she was a little apprehensive as she waited to be introduced. 'That's my girl,' I cheered in hopes off easing her nerves. I don't know if she didn't hear me or if she chose to ignore me but, she didn't acknowledge me. That's weird, I thought as Mr. Payne introduced her;  'Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Lacy and Brody, and now welcome to the stage Emerald Greene!' This would be my first-time hearing Emerald sing and I swear I felt like a proud mother as I clapped and cheered for her. The soft melody of a piano began to play and slowly, bit by bit that excitement I felt disintegrated.

'This is a shout out to my ex
Heard she in love with some other boy
Yeah yeah, that hurt me, I'll admit
Forget that girl, I'm over it
I hope he gettin' better sex
Hope he ain't fakin' it like I did, babe
Took far too long to call it quits
Forget that girl, I'm over it'

The excitement coursing through me soon was replaced with the feeling of dread, embarrassment, and complete humiliation. I was truly mortified as Emerald voice sang out and all eyes turned to me. I hung my head low as I could feel my face heat up. It was obvious that Emerald was singing too and about me; because throughout her entire performance she made sure to give me her undivided attention. She finished her song and although her performance was amazing, I couldn't believe she would do this to me. I mean, I know we have been having problems, but I would never have guessed she would humiliate me like this. She claimed she loved me but, love shouldn't hurt; and this right here hurt like hell. As the room filled with cheers and applause, I immediately hopped up and stormed out of the auditorium.

I stormed out of the building, not caring that the day was far from over. I just needed to get away form here and fast. 'Ivy, wait up,' I heard Blake yell out as I hopped in my car and drove off. Unconsciously, I ended up at Anthony's studio. I powered my phone off and threw it into the glove compartment before heading inside. 'Ivy sweetie, I didn't expect... wait what's wrong?' he asked as he rushed towards me. It was at that moment that I noticed I was crying. He pulled me into a hug as he led me to an empty studio. I sat down on an easel as he grabbed a box of tissue and handed me one. 'So, what did Emerald do this time?' Anthony asked putting extra emphasis on this time. I sighed because it wasn't until now that I realized how much strain our relationship has been undergoing lately. 'Look, Anthony I'm not really in the mood to talk about it. Can I just stay her for a few,' I asked as I pulled out my sketch book. Sure, was his reply as he stood up and being to do some work on his unfinished sculpture.

As soon as my pencil hit the paper my mind began to take a journey of its on. Lyrics from Emerald's song began to replay in my head. Honestly, I had no idea where she was getting these ridiculous notions from. Like, 'heard she in love with some other boy???' seriously she is literally the only person I have ever loved romantically. 'I hope he gettin' better sex---hope he ain't faking it like I did,' This probably hurt the most. She knew it was my first time with another female and to basically say the night we shared together wasn't good; was like a smack to the face. I was so lost in my thoughts, that I didn't hear Anthony walk behind me.' Wow, your talent always ceases to amaze me,' he said as he admired my work. Not feeling the praise, I mumbled thanks as I starred at the drawing before me. I had sketched a painting of a girl laying in a pool of her tears. Funny thing is, I could tell the girl in this painting was feeling the exact pain I was feeling at this moment.

 Funny thing is, I could tell the girl in this painting was feeling the exact pain I was feeling at this moment

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