Thanksgiving Day

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Ivy's POV

It was finally time, the day I had been dreading had finally arrived. Today was thanksgiving and the entire house is filled with the delicious aroma of turkey, stuffing, collard greens, baked macaroni, mashed potatoes, fresh rolls, Barbz famous homemade gravy and glazed ham; all combined, creating a signature fragrance simply known as Thanksgiving. Now, Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite holidays simply because it's a time were all of my extended family and family friends all come together to eat, talk, play and catch up on everything that's happened throughout the year but this year I can't help but to feel weary. My heart simply wasn't in it.

It's already 12 o'clock and the entire house is rampant with noise. Long distance relatives that I hardly see or talk to gather throughout my house gossiping about their latest adventures. My dad and his fellow colleagues all are gathered around the TV yelling about some football game that's playing. My grandmother and grandfather both are sitting telling stories that always seems to start with 'when I was younger we did blah blah blah and more blah' and the younger kids are all running rampant playing hide and go seek.

While me, I'm merely sitting in the corner furthest away from all my family and scrolling through Instagram. Blake and her family have yet to arrive and according to Amy, her and her family were on their way. Over the past week, Emerald and I have been learning to coexist with each other even-though Blake keeps insisting that we belong together yet were both to stupid and stubborn to admit it. I was willing to admit I missed her but lately her and Lacy have been inseparable. They have been studying together, walking to class together, eating lunch together, driving to and from school together and occasionally holding hands (even-though Emerald tends to tone it down around me). Not to mention Emerald had the nerve to ask me if she could bring Lacy as her 'date' to my celebration.

What I wanted to say was: "Emerald Greene your must be out of your fucking mind if you think imma let you come in my house and act all couple-ly with some other chick especially when you know I have feelings for you. Nope not happening, hell it's only been two weeks and your already moving on. You're lucky I don't rip both your fucking heads off!"

Needless to say, I found myself shrugging my shoulders and saying, "sure, what type of friend would I be if I stood in the way of your happiness," it was complete bullshit but I'm giving her what she wants space away from me. Which is why lately I have been coming to the conclusion that maybe we were simply meant to be just friends.

As I was reminiscing on the past events and scrolling through my news feed; a message popped up on my phone.

Clubhottie💃😉: hey change of plans that friend I'm visiting invited me out but we can definitely hang later.

I frowned at the text. Even-though I'm not attracted to her in a romantic way she is an easy distractions from all things Emerald. Even if she actually reminds me of her in many ways. We have hung out several times since the club and I've learned a lot about her. Her names Ruby and she is here visiting a close friend and she also from upstate, she's into sports, and she's a sophomore. Not to mention she kinda has the same style and laid back personality as Emerald. I haven't really gotten into detail about her personal life but I do know I enjoy her company.

So I eventually found myself replying: Aww, that sucks but maybe you and your friend can come over later for a movie night. My bestie is staying over and we can all hang out.

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