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Camila's P.O.V

I glance down at my watch and see that it's 12:45 pm. Im sitting in the corner of the room in a cafe called 'Hunny home' .Lauren was suppose to meet me 15 minutes ago and she hasn't shown up. I guess she got caught up with something, or what if it was someone? Great.

Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. She's all I've been thinking about since we got paired for this assignment. I'm not going to lie but I kind of was dreading it because I thought Lauren would be like her friends. I though that she was going to bully me for the whole time that I spend with her, but it's the complete opposite. She's so kind and funny and gorgeous. Actually, gorgeous is an understatement, because she is mind blowing. I don't really know why I feel like this, but I don't hate this feeling. The only thing that I do hate is that I know that she don't, nor ever will feel the same way.

If I'm being totally honest right now, I've liked Lauren for a few months, ever since I heard her singing in the practice room. Her voice blew me away and I was at a loss for words. Her voice is so unique, I haven't heard anything like it. I mean, just by her speaking gives me goose bumps, so imagine what her singing does to me. It fucks me up.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and a green eyes beauty walking in.

"Hey Camz, sorry I'm late. I went to a party and overslept. I'm really sorry." She rambled on. God, she was cute when she rambled.

"It's no problem, now should we do this?" I said trying to sound cool. Ha! Who am I kidding? I couldn't act cool if my life depended on it.

"Yeah um, sure." She sat down getting the camera out of her bag. "Should I put it on the shelf just there?" She said pointing to the shelf opposite up. It wasn't too far and it wasn't too close. So it would be able to get us both in and hear us both perfectly.

"Yeah." I said shifting a little in my chair.
I watched as she put the camera onto the stand and adjusted it so it was on me and it would be on her. She pressed record and sat down on the chair across from me.

"So Camila, what is your biggest fear in life?" I couldn't help but laugh at how she sounded while asking me the question.
"What are you laughing at? Have I got something on my face?"

"No, no." I say in between breaths from me laughing. "It's just that you literally sounded like a reporter."

"Oh" she giggled "I guess I did, didn't I." She giggled more.

"Yeah, yeah you did. Anyway my biggest fear is someone falling out of love with me for the same reason that they fell in love with me."

She raised her eyebrow "What?"

"Right, so what I mean is all the little things that make someone fall in love with you will no longer be cute to that person and will make them love you less and less until they give up on you. So, your laugh, your weird food cravings, your 3am texts to tell them that you miss them, all these things that they adore about you will one day turn into something that they dislike or hate about you. Just think about how bad that would hurt. To wake up one day and for that person to know longer want you as much as they did 1, 2 or 3 years ago. And then when you least expect it they vanish from your life and you and that person become strangers and if people saw you two they wouldn't think that you two planned your future out, or stayed up listening to one another talk about life.
So in my opinion, the thought of that is so much more scarier than death, failing, even spiders."

"Wow." She said looking at me with such concentration. It was almost like she was looking directly into my soul and reading ever bit of my heart.
"I've never thought about love like that. I guess I've never really thought about love at all."

"Now your turn."
She was still staring at me with such adoration that made my heart melt.


"What's your biggest fear?"

"Oh um. I think it's just dyeing knowing that I could've done more with my life. Like, if I have the chance to actually move to Italy, but I didn't go, or I did but I didn't use it to my full advantage. I wouldn't feel like I've achieved anything. Yes, I may have moved to the country of my dreams, but I'm not doing anything positive with the chance that I have blessed with. Do you get what I mean? Like I just really want to die knowing I've achieved everything that I wanted to achieve."

"I know exactly what you mean. I think achieving in life is very important and you should achieve everything that your heart desires."

"I love how you get what I mean."

"And I love how you get what I mean"

Writers note

Shorter chapter I know, but I didn't really know what else to write. So, if you have any suggestions about what they could talk about and/or what could happen between their relationship please let me know. It would be very much appreciated. Anyway, thank you all for reading, it means so much to me.
I hope you all have a good day!
You can ask me questions on Twitter or @jaureguihippy

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