I'm Sorry

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Lauren's P.O.V

"Pick up, pick up." I said to myself.


"Hi, Dinah it's me I really need your help."

"Woah, slow down a sec, what's up?"

"I fucked up with Camila. I said some things that I shouldn't have and now she won't pick up any of my calls."

"What did you say?"


I explained to her what happened and how I felt when it happened. She seemed fairly understanding, but still called me a bitch. I agree with her, I am, but be honest with me, if the person that you liked was going on a date with someone else you would be pretty pissed off. I've always hated that about myself, I never think before I talk and it always seems to get me into a lot of shit. Dinah suggested that I go to Camila's house and speak to her about it and I told her that I would go, but now I'm having second thoughts. What if I turn up there and she still don't want to speak to me. Actually what am I even suppose to say? 'Oh the reason why I acted that way is because I really like you and I am indeed jealous that you're going on a date with someone that isn't me. Oh and I'm sorry.'

She will think that I'm an idiot and knowing me I'll end up saying something else to her and make her hate me even more. Why does this have to be so God damn difficult?

I had to go to her house and speak to her whether she wanted to listen to me or not, I needed her to hear me out. So right now I'm sat in Camila's drive way tapping on the steering wheel looking at her house. I took a deep breath before stepping out of my car and making my way to her door. "breath Lauren." I quietly say to myself. I was about to knock hen the door opened. Fuck, it's now or never. I expected it to be Camila but instead it was another women. It looked like Camila so I'm assuming that it's her mother.

"Erm, hi is Camila in?"

"Yes she is, I'll go and get her for you."

"Wait!" I shout "I'm not too sure that she would want to see me. We sort of had an argument and I know that if you say I'm her she won't speak to me."

"Last door on the left."

"Huh?" I ask

"Her bedroom, it's the last door on the left."

"Oh thank you, it's lovely to meet you.." I waited for her to reply.

"Sinu, and it's lovely to meet you too.."


"Oh so your the famous Lauren then?"

"Erm, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing."

"Well give the fact that I'm still talking to you, take that as a good thing."

"Well thank you and it's good meeting you Sinu."

'The famous Lauren.' What does that mean? Does she speak about me to her family? I couldn't help but feel like a child at the thought of Camila telling her family about me. My thoughts were interrupted by singing and giggling, and it was coming from the last door on the left. I slowly opened the door and my heart melted at the sight in front of me. Camila was jumping around with a hairbrush in her hand holding hands with a smaller girl that was standing on a bed. They were singing to 'Start of something new' from High School Musical. I'm so glad that I brought my Camera with me today. I took it out of my bag and hit record. I had to stop myself from laughing multiple times, but I was caught when Camila spun around.

"What the hell Lauren!" She shouted and I burst into fits of laughter while still recording her. After about 10 seconds of laughing by myself I heard the familiar laughter that made me loose it every time. I looked up to see Camila on the floor holding her stomach while laughing. Seeing her like that made me laugh even more until it got to the point where it physically hurt to laugh.

"Omg, that was so freakin cute!"

"Shut u-up" She says trying to control her laughter.

"What? That was."

"No it wasn't" She say.

"Yes it was." I say and she doesn't respond instead she just looks into my eyes and I see her lips curve into a smile, only to quickly be replaced by a frown.

"Why are you even here anyway?" She asks angrily.

"I came to apologize."

"It's a bit too late for that don't you think?" She looks to her right and says "Sofi can you go to your room quick?"

"But I don't want to kaki" The little girl says.

"Just go and we'll play again later, I promise." I little girl lets out a loud sigh before exiting the room. "Well speak then."

"Right, ok. I know that I shouldn't have said what I did, but the thing with me is I don't think before I speak. When I'm angry or upset I say things that I don't mean and it always happens to people that I care about. I don't expect you to forgive me, but please believe me when I say that I'm sorry and I never meant a single thing that I said."

"I forgive you." She say and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.


"Yeah, you obviously meant it otherwise you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't have called me numerous amount of times. I believe in giving people second chances, but I need to know something. What was you angry or upset about?" She got me there...

"I just really don't like Shawn and I know that I could really speak because in a way I guess I'm like him, but he treats girls like shit. He uses every girl that he dates and you just deserve someone better that treats you right."

"And who will treat me right? I've looked and I haven't found anyone that loves me for me, and if I do they end up breaking my heart." she says.

"You see that's the problem Camila, you think that people will break you but maybe you just need to look a bit harder. Maybe it's someone closer to you than you expect."

"Yeah maybe."

Writer's note

I hope that this chapter is ok and sorry if there is any mistake I haven't checked through it. I'm really ill and today got sent home, but I wanted to update. If you have any questions for me about the story or just want to talk you can on Twitter and ask.fm -  jaureguihippy

Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night!

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