Fall in love

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Lauren's P.O.V

"So that was mine and Camila's project." I say standing in front of my class next to Camila.

"This is for either or you to answer. What is one thing that you have learnt from this, and have anything changed in your friendship?" Mr Hann asks.

"A lot of things has changed and I've also learnt a lot of new things about live and myself in general." I say.
"Before getting paired up for this assignment me and Camila never spoke once, expect from when she accidently fell into me that morning. I didn't really know what to expect with working with Camila, but all that I do know is that the unexpected happened. I developed feelings for Camila and I'm not ashamed to admit it now. If you asked me 6 weeks ago about me liking a girl I would laugh in your face. Not because of being ashamed but because I was scared. For so long I was scared to admit how I actually felt towards girls. I was scared of being judged for who I really was. But then Camila taught me not to care what anyone thinks. As long as you are happy and comfortable in your own skin, everyone else's negative opinions are useless. She's taught me that it's ok to be myself. That it's ok to be bisexual. But I feel as though the biggest and most incredible thing that she has taught me is how to love. She showed me what it's like to be in love with someone and to be loved equally the same. It's the most amazing experience in this world and I can't believe that I waited so long to experience it, but I'm glad. I'm glad that I waited so long because I am able to experience it with Camila."

I finish and look around to see people smiling widely at the pair of us. I notice a few of them are smiling while looking down in between us and I notice that at one point of me rambling on, our fingers intertwine.

"Camila do you have anything to say?" Mr Hann asks.

"Yes but probably not as much as Lauren because she pretty much said it all. I'm not going to stand up here and say how Lauren was my first love because she wasn't, but that doesn't mean a thing. One thing that I've learnt is it doesn't matter how many times I've fallen in love before. All that matters is the love that I feel for her now. All of my past relationships has never given me that feeling that Lauren does. Before Lauren I never knew what it was like to love so intensely and be loved back with so much passion. I was starting to give up on love to be honest. I'm glad I never because if I did maybe I wouldn't be standing up here holding hands with my girlfriend. You're probably thinking, why are you speaking like you've been in love for years when you only met 6 weeks ago. I never knew this answer a while ago but I do now. It doesn't matter how long you've been in a relationship. You could be in a relationship for 2 years and feel nothing, you could be in a relationship for 2 weeks and feel everything. It doesn't matter about how long you've been with that person, all that matters is the passion that you both share." Camila finishing and I was blushing like a crazy women.

I looked at her and I saw every bit of emotion in her eyes. She looked at me and gave me a shy smile before placing a kiss on my lips. The whole class cheered and in this exact moment I couldn't be happier.

I had an amazing, smart, funny, beautiful girlfriend. My life couldn't get any better.

Writer's note


I just want to say thank you to every single person that has read this. I never expected so many people to read this story so I am extremely grateful.
I was thinking about doing a sequel to this story but I only will if you guys want me to. I already know the plot to it and it will be much longer than this story was.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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