6-A Change Of Heart.

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Edmund skimmed into the HQ car park, jumping off his bike and running it over to the railings, chaining it before walking calmly over to the entrance, untucking his trousers from his socks once again and adopting a 'waiting' pose by the sliding doors. He had left Cammie stuck at a set of red traffic lights five minutes back, but he knew the old man wouldn't be far behind. As he thought this, he checked himself. He wasn't supposed to be acting like a kid. Besides, Hawes would have a field day if she found out what he'd been up to.

Cammie strolled up with Miss Lysander on his arm, a few minutes later.

"Afternoon" he grinned. "Shall we?"

"This way" Edmund smiled politely, gesturing in through the sliding doors. He came in ahead of them, crossing to the admin desk once again.

"Could you send a message to D.I Hawes' office, please?" he asked the receptionist, who again peered over her glasses at him. "Tell her to come down to reception, please."

"Yes, sir" she sighed, clicking off her computer and picking up the telephone.

Edmund turned back to Cammie and Miss Lysander.

"Won't be a sec" he assured them. "Hopefully the boss'll be right down."

"Cynthie?" Cammie smirked. Edmund nodded also smirking.

"The very same."

The receptionist coughed behind him, holding the phone away from her mouth.

"D.I Hawes says you can take them down yourself, sir. She's busy" she told him. Edmund sniffed, annoyed.

"Is she there?" he asked, indicating the phone. The receptionist nodded.

"Give it." Edmund leant over the desk, taking the phone, and awkwardly putting it to his ear.

"Ma'am" he snapped down the line. "I've two civilans here who think they may be able to identify our dead girl. You know I don't know the way to the mortuary, and frankly, on top of that I haven't a clue what I'm doing, so for the sake of the case would you please come down here and help me out?"

All Edmund heard was the click and the hum of the line going dead as Hawes hung up. It was all he could do not to fling the thing across the room, he was so annoyed. As he stood up, he realized the few people in the waiting room-Cammie, Miss Lysander, and the receptionist-had all gone very quiet. Shit.

He looked at their faces. Miss Lysander looked understandably shocked. Edmund understood this, since he had just essentially yelled at his boss, and anyone who was anyone knew that was never a good idea. The receptionist was staring at him with a mixed bag of awe, shock and total terror, and Cammie...Cammie was smirking like a cat who'd just got itself a whole jug of cream. Edmund ignored him.

There was an awkward pause, as Edmund looked bashful and shoved his hands deep in his pockets. A soft click-click-click of high heels suddenly came to all their ears.

"Good afternoon."

Even without turning around, Edmund knew exactly who was talking. Cammie's mocking cry of "Cynthie!" confirmed his suspicions.

"I'll...be getting back to the office" Edmund murmured, shuffling away, hands still deep in pockets.

"Sargeant?" Hawes snapped. Edmund paused.


"You'll be accompanying Mr. Hawes and Miss Lysander down to the mortuary with me. Do I make myself clear?" the Detective Inspector asked curtly.

"Yes, ma'am" Edmund agreed, feigning politeness, and as Hawes set off down the corridor again he gestured for Miss Lysander and Cammie to follow.

Hawes led them through into a little box-room with a glass window on one side. On the other, Edmund could see a body covered with a cloth. Nobody spoke, but Hawes pointed grimly to the window, as a man in a faded white coat slowly uncovered the face of the body to reveal the girl Edmund had seen the previous night, the girl who was now lying dead on a slab.

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