10-Vernon Eaton.

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"Gray?" Hawes asked, suddenly, at roughly half past nine in the evening of that same day.

"Mmm?" Edmund asked, a little drowsily. He was getting rather tired, and quite stiff from sitting on his chair.

"Look at this" Hawes ordered. Slowly, wincing as he went, Edmund scrambled free from his cage of whiteboards and came to look over Hawes' s shoulder.

"Who's he?" Edmund asked her, as Hawes had in front of her a Facebook profile of a young man.

"One of the boys on your list" Hawes replied. "I met him this afternoon. He's one of Yuki's friends."

They looked at each other.

"I...take it he didn't mention the fact he was out clubbing with her last night?" Edmund said slowly, one eyebrow raising.

"Funnily enough, he didn't" Hawes replied crisply.

"Would...you be OK to keep going with that list?" Edmund asked, as politely as he could manage. "I mean, at least until I finish with the polaroids..."

"Fine" Hawes snapped, rolling her eyes and shooing him away with a hand. Edmund took a circuit around the office to stretch his legs before sitting back down in the spinning chair.

"Here's another name" Hawes said, after a minute. "This young lady I met today."

"Have you taken the names down?" Edmund asked, without thinking. The steely silence that followed made him realize what he had actually said.

"Sorry, ma'am. Of course you have" he corrected himself.

"Thank you."

Edmund smirked a little at his own foolishness and settled down to finish the job. It was only when his stomach growled mercilessly some time later that he realised how hungry he was. It seemed like an age since he had last eaten.

"Are you nearly done?" Hawes asked bluntly from her desk. Edmund nodded, ignoring his stomach and holding up a small pile of photos.

"Not long now, ma'am."

"I'm going to leave you" she told him, standing up and crossing to the door. "Meet me outside the University at twelve tomorrow. Don't be late. And switch the lights out when you're done here."

She strode out, banging the door shut behind her.

Edmund rolled his eyes. So much for 'goodnight'.

He finished the last few pictures, and was in the process of packing away when he thought of something. Due to Bumble's bright disco lights in most of the photos, the backgrounds were illuminated various colours, and main features of the room were very clear, particularly the bar. And, due to the selfie he had discovered earlier, it was easy to pick out exactly where Yuki was sitting, or had been sitting, from other pictures.

Could it be possible to track Yuki's movements through not only where she was, but also where she wasn't?

Edmund decided very quickly that he was going to need another whiteboard.

He slipped into the outside corridor, which was eerily quiet, stealing down it to see if there was another whiteboard he could borrow.

Or steal, if push came to shove.

Edmund thought he saw someone in one of the larger office complexes, so gently pushed the glass door open and looked around. Seeing nobody, Edmund walked in, a little cautiously, weaving through the little desk compartments and the silence until he was pretty much in the centre of the room.

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