16-End It With Wine.

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For the record-the whole reading-Edmund-or-Hawes's-report-thing wasn't working. I got bored very quickly. So, here's a different sort of explainy chapter:)

"Ho-ly shit!" Foxy exclaimed, leaning further over the breakfast bar and spilling drops of her wine all over the table. Edmund smirked back at her over his own glass. The pulse of the Andromeda music was pumping through the floor, Edmund was on a night off, and the two of them were upstairs, with a big Chinese and two bottles of white wine, one of which was already empty.

Understandably they were both very drunk.

"So let me get this straight" the redhead slurred, pointing her half full glass at Edmund before downing the lot and pointing it again, more like a sword this time, at the young man's chest. "This Club..."

"It was essentially a cult" Edmund cut her off with a sly raise of the eyebrowe. "A group of crazy psychos who had it in their heads that they could create a living, breathing person out of bits of other dead people. Yeuuch."

"Yeuuch!" Foxy joined in, raising her empty glass in a sort of toast, before knocking back nothing.

"No wine in there" Edmund pointed out, giggling. "Twat. Have some more."

Foxy pouted and poured herself another glass, before toasting that as well and taking quite a big sip.

"It was actually quite cleverly done" Edmund proclaimed, with a puffed up sense of his own importance probably due to the alcohol. "The first group of five kids were covering for the other two by pretending that they had been with them at the club. Wouldn't have sussed it if it hadn't been for Tink's evidence, Fox. She said that Yuki's drinks were paid by cash, but then Glover said that she paid for everyone on her card. Most of the other kids didn't know what they were doing, silly things. Glover'd pitched a right cock-and-bull story to them, and they'd gone along no problem. Community service for the general stupid people!"

"Here's to community service!" Foxy giggled, a little too loudly, as the two of them toasted their glasses drunkenly again. "The shitty punishment you get when you're too crap at crime to go to proper prison!"

"Got Glover, though" Edmund smirked, feeling an overloaded sense of pride as he took another sip of his wine. "She's gone dowwwwwn. As has all the rest of that culty-thing. As has Coumbibab... Coumbababa... Coumbibacab... I can't remember his name!"

Foxy threw back her head and laughed, and Edmund sneaked another spring roll off of the plate in front of her. She nearly fell off her chair, swaying back just in time to spot Edmund popping the roll into his mouth.

"You did not!" she gasped, angry under the drunken slur.

"I did too" Edmund smiled wickedly, chewing, swallowing, and washing it down with wine.

"Gimme!" Foxy shrieked, launching herself across the bar at Edmund as he scrambled to his feet, laughing hard and getting away.

"Give me the spring roll" she said dangerously.

"Gone" Edmund shrugged nonchalantly, glad he had put his wine glass down.

Foxy knocked him back over the back of the sofa with all the force of an overly angry drunk person. They both landed hard, her on top of him, and Edmund was struggling to stop them both falling off the sofa as Foxy pummelled him uselessly with her palms. Edmund finally managed to spin them so he had some support on his head and shoulders from the sofa as Foxy sat up, straddling him.

"Give me the roll" she repeated again, peevishly.

"Eaten it" Edmund smirked, grinning at her. "Go get another one."

She considered this, before scampering off. Edmund settled himself more comfortably, lying full length on the sofa.

Foxy landed on him again with a thump.

Edmund groaned as the wind was almost knocked out of him, Foxy again straddling him over his chest, pinning his arms down with her legs.

"Looky" she smirked, waving a spring roll inches from Edmund's face. "Come and get it..."

Edmund scowled at her drunkenly as she put it in her mouth, but sobered up slightly as she leant down towards him.

"No" he sighed, managing to wriggle an arm free, and, taking hold of the spring roll and guiding Foxy's head, and more importantly her lips, away.

"Platonic, Fox" he reminded her. "We. Are. Platonic. Besides, you're dating that builder-guy, aren't you?"

"Naaaaaah" Foxy whined, munching down the roll. "Dumped him. He wasn't nice enough." She looked meaningfully down on Edmund, almost pleadingly.

"I'm not that drunk, Fox" Edmund told her firmly. "Besides, you know it's not a good idea."

"It's that pathologist girl, isn't it?" Foxy sighed. "That one you went to save, in the catacombs. Honestly, Mundy, you don't even have her number."

"I'm taking things slowly" Edmund told her. "Slowly is not a thing that you fully understand."

"Ugh" Foxy groaned. "You're so boring sometimes."

"Exactly why you'd never want to date me" Edmund pointed out. "We wouldn't last a week, and then we'd mess up everything else that goes on here."

"Ugh" Foxy repeated, pouting, getting up and returning with their two wine glasses and the last remaining bottle.

"Here's to D.S. Edmund Gray, the greatest D.S in the whole wide world, who puts up with the meanest boss in the whole wide world" she laughed, all traces of the previous conversation gone, as she poured them both another glass.

"She's not that bad" Edmund giggled, as they collapsed on the sofa together. "In fact, now I saved her niece, she's almost tolerable."

I've failed miserably on the explanation front, I know. Sorry. I will work on that for next time. Ask any questions in the comments, and the next book, titled Tom Thumb, will be up and running the moment I get the cover done...

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