First Day of High School

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"Nira,time to wake up. First day of high school. Now you are the little fish in the big pond." I rub the crust off my eyes to see my mom standing in front of my bed wearing her burgundy bath robe. She then turns on the light to successfully blind me. My room has two doors since its in the middle of the house and hallways on each side so it's like a passageway for everyone and most of the time my sisters don't knock and my dad is the worst. He knocks then doesn't give enough time to say "just a second" and boom I'm half naked quickly grabbing my robe as my dad quickly shuts the door saying sorry. My mom waits until I finally sit up from my peaceful sleep I wait until she leaves to wake up my older sister Kamaria. Of course she leaves one door open so I really have to get up. I brush my teeth do my hair the usual things I do when I get ready. Now it's time to put on clothes. I really need to get a smaller cup sized bra I know when my grandma bought bras for me and Kamaria that was the last time. First off she took me to get fitted and of course it was an all women's section not juniors. Second she was in the room so it was awkward. Third the cup size was too big but the band size fit perfectly. Fourth when me and Kamaria went to a cheaper store Grandma made us share rooms so it was even more awkward and there was mirrors on each side so what was the point of turning around. I stare at the bra longer thinking I had to be a small cup sized plus sized girl. I'm so awkwardly built. I put on my black tang top since its one the most slimming tops I have. Then my dark blue stretchy skinny jeans. I hate how it makes my butt and thighs look bigger. But I have to deal with it until I get my lazy self to lose weight. I put on my red plaid shirt since I just like plaid now I'm almost ready. Now to sit on my bed and think about nothing as violently struggle to put on my shoes. After I ate oatmeal in the car we listen to a pastor on the radio teaching the warning signs of a dis functional family. When I think about it my family doesn't fit in any category of a dis functional family. Sure we sometimes want to claw each other's throats out. Especially the second oldest sister Tiana and the third oldest Kamaria they both fight over clothes. While me and the oldest Shaleesha just sit there on Pinterest. Before I know it we are at the school I some what feel nervous then the attitude of whatever lets get this over with. My sister shows me to pick up my schedule and it's hot so many people I feel like a little kid compared to the upper class men. Then I feel like a total dork a really hot white guy is standing next to me in the line to get a schedule. He has a strong jaw his blonde hair in a bun. His deep voice as he waves to his friends he is wearing a blue button up shirt with cacky shorts. We bump into each other now's my chance. "Oh sorry." He says as he makes his way through a bunch of people. "It's ok." I reply with a huge smile on my face. He smiled back yes I made success! Great how do I get through this line I better hurry before more people come. Oh look a sign saying W to Z Freshman I find a girl standing next to me she just as confused as me yay. "Hey is this the line for schedules?" She asked with one hand blocking the sun from her eyes she has long brown hair and is tall. She is medium sized probably athletic. I noticed her T-shirt had a band on it. They looked familiar I will think of it later. "Yes, pretty sure." I answered I'm not sure myself either. We started talking for a little bit. Then we realized the line was to push your way up to the front. We said bye that's when she realized she was in the wrong line. She left now I'm a loner. Kimberly my friend since first grade I catch her attention and started talking about summer them high school then how confused we are then bands then we parted our separate ways. It feels like ever since sixth grade puberty has been good to her while for me it's been an awkward experience. Like look at her she has a nice experience and she is smart also nice if you don't get on her bad side. I see one boy from my church Ayinde as he says hi to me and squeezes through people. I see some of my best friends I say hi and meet after we got our schedules. Finally all of us meet yay I'm happy I thought loner life chose me. We catch up on everything everyone looks the same Izel I known since kindergarten is still taller than me. Joselyn known since fifth grade braces still in long hair and mascara. Brenda known since fifth grade still short but with acne oh no acne life chose her like it did me. Cynthia still the same since middle school and still pushy. Milli wearing Attack on Titan still the same we start talking about anime. Then Tatiana we haven't seen since sixth grade we catch up she got taller. She is wearing mascara and a One Direction t-shirt. Puberty was nice to her. Then later we asked where our classes were mine was at the bottom of hill dang it. It's down the hill next to it is the sidewalk,but dirt hill is faster. But chances are falling is higher. I will take that chance. The bell rings I rush to my class realizing I have an eight minute passing period. My math teacher likes Star Wars which I only played the video game but I know about it. Let's fast forward to fourth period.
Second period extended learning good
Advisory the teacher is goofy
Third period PE we have to swim but swim teacher for beginners is good looking
Fourth period Tech my friend from sixth grade is in this class yay! Kristiona Scott I remember her last name because it has ring to it. She asks if I still like Avengers heck yeah I do. When we start talking about our celebrity husbands of course she says I'm crazy. All of them are white except for two. (Zac Efron, Corbin Bleu, Hunter Hayes, Daniel Henney, Dustin Lynch,Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Colton Haynes, Stephen Amell. My fiancé James Bay) she agrees with Zac Efron and Colton Haynes but says you like white boy's teasingly. Kristy then states she likes only black guys but if a white guy is as fine as Zac Efron then yes. I sigh thinking we have come from Jim Crow Laws still we segregate ourselves. I thought today's society would be  less race focused but compared to older generation we are less race focused. Still I can't help but get a little frustrated when someone says stupid idiotic stereotypes. I need to calm down oh look time to go home first day of school or high school confused and bumpy but I will manage. Come home and get a ton of How was first day of high school questions then Kamaria tells me who to hangout with and not to hang out with of course I will break every rule just to show she is not my mom. Finally bed time just an average awkward plus size teen good night.

Thanks for reading please do as good wattpad readers do and be nice:) More is coming and this is my first so stay safe don't talk to strangers unless you are in the same fandom. Drink 8 cups of water every day!

Awkward Plus Size Girl Chronicles (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now